Sunday, May 8, 2022

Will The Torture Never Stop?


"Have we not suffered enough?" sobbed Annalise Kovalenko over the sonic attack, "Please, will this torture never stop?" Kovalenko is just one of many innocent Ukrainians scarred by what appears to be yet another incident of "friendly fire" in the war torn nation, an impromptu gig by Bono and Edge in the Kiev metro.

The number of civilians injured by the Bono-Edge anti-personnel munition is currently unknown but could reach into the 100s. Codenamed PopStar, the aging Bono-Edge is designed to deliver devastating losses on concentrations of troops and material, but clearly missed its target.

This is the latest example of outdated Western military aid gone awry, following Pelosi, Darth-Blinken, BoJo, DocJill and RainbowJustine "smart" bombs landing on Ukraine's capital city. Here at the Compound we have to ask, what next, the ancient Geldof submunition? 

And perhaps cynically, are we deliberately depleting our outdated military stockpiles with a view to replenishment and profit, all at the expense of Kiev and its people?

Sunday Bloody Sunday,



  1. Neil Young, call your agent.

  2. This smacks more and more of "Wag The Dog" every, single day....

  3. Pelosi intends on making Zelensky an honorary American, right?

    1. And it's curious, Sgt., he already has a UK passport.

  4. As LL often points out, war is a racket.


  5. Will no one rid us of these meddlesome Irish musicians? ~ attributed to Henry II.

  6. What's with the "worse than UPS brown" hoodie, on a national leader? Hey Z, might want to stream What Not To Wear for pointers. Altho, likely it's his way of disarming the masses to appear "one of the guys". At least he's not wearing Jimmy Choo's.

    And Ms. Pursed Lips is disgusting with this charade.

  7. Well it has to be said, WSF, and this one seems especially so.

  8. Definitely not a good look, Paul.

    Z is all kinds of yuck.
