Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Well Lookit This!


Yes, you see that right, the Ukrainian colors have been added to the Trans Pride flag. All those Ukrainians are fighting and dying for Joe Biden's "greatest civil rights issue of our time," trans rights. Because, you know, getting a sex change is a really important civil liberty thing.

A Typical Black Sun. Note runes

You'll note the original Rainbow Banner of Gayness is shrinking under an aggressive assault by forward moving chevrons and we have to ask, what will be left of the Rainbow Banner's  fruity cheery colors as the West lurches into stainless steel, liberal Fascism. Intuition says stay tuned for the caring, tolerant, laughing face of Sonnenrad. But don't worry, in the meanwhile we have NATO, i.e. the US:

The U.S. Army is reportedly proposing a new policy that would allow soldiers to request a move to a new base if they believe they face discrimination from local or state laws on the basis of gender, sex, religion, race or pregnancy.

The move would change an existing policy that allows personnel to seek a move to help them cope with family problems. 

In effect, it would allow soldiers to declare certain states to be too racist or homophobic for them to live there.




How very beautiful. I say again, and again, are we gambling on never, ever, ever having to fight another major war? Serious question.

Guinea on the Monkey,



  1. My concern isn't that the rank and file, regardless of gender(s), won't fight. My late son was firm about that with his experiences in Afghanistan with the 4th ID. My concern is the officer corps. A glaring current example is the Russian officer corps.

  2. Isn't transsexualism really nothing more than toxic masculinity with breasts? I'm asking for a friend...............

  3. This latest outrage and Treason is no doubt being pushed by the political sphere onto the Military...
    However, ANY and ALL Commissioned officers should fight this tooth and nail as it goes to the very heart of a Free Republic with Free States and a National Army Sworn to protect the Constitution that gives those individual States the Right to order and run their individual States as the Will of the People demands (within the constraints of the Constitution). Failure to protest and fight against this latest attack on our Constitution renders their oath null and void...
    The charge for that would start at art 92 Dereliction of Duty and Treason against their own country...
    And ends at a brick wall and a Firing Squad...
    For those who fight this, but then FAIL to resign their Commission on the day it is implemented...
    I have some sympathy, they are the ones who should get blindfolds...

    MSG Grumpy

    I have a MUCH LOWER opinion of ANY NCO who fails to fight this to his or her last breath...

  4. This Tomfoolery will not stand.
