Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Dallas Goes Full Zelensky


Just back from the metrosprawl and what a good visit, grilling, a custom AR which sadly got lost when the kayak overturned in the Trinity and on. But I noticed something strange, Dallas had gone full Zelensky. 

This is OK Now

All the people in Ma LSP's neighborhood who support BLM, tranny everything, open borders and abortion to the point of birth also support the Ukraine. You can tell this by their ubiquitous flags and annoying yard signs, "I stand with Ukraine."

Just Some Furry

Leaving aside the risible fad of believing the next corporate driven agitprop big thing, we have to ask, "Oh, you do, do you?" Perhaps that's why you support literal Nazis, AZOV, RIGHT SECTOR, AIDAR and on.

Dammit, I told you not to!

Shouldn't that be strange or even dissonant? Apparently not. Our elite Martha's Vineyard rulers' hold on the minds of the ProgLeft is seemingly complete. That in mind, Nancy Pelosi has the sheer gall to get up in Congress and quote the Bible, "I was hungry and you fed me." And no one's called her on a fraudulent $40 billion, maybe they're all innit together.


Tell us, Nancy, and all the rest of our ruling gerontocracy, what are your financial concerns in the Ukraine? And while we're at it, readers, keep some sanitizer handy.

Your Friend,



  1. "Those People" need to stand with America....

    Pelosi quoting the Bible, huh? I'm surprised she didn't burst into flame. Oh, well...."Judge Not....."

  2. I'm with Drjim. Heard the clip on TC last night of The Nan quoting Matthew, had a visceral reaction and asked God why these people don't instantly keel over or turn to stone as a warning to others. Fingernails-chalkboard. The arrogance.

  3. It has been so long since Americans could come together and chant "Russia bad, Russia bad." The czarists and commies are gone, but we now have ... something. Both Ukraine and Russia are criminal enterprises.

  4. drjim, I know! All very anti-christ.

  5. It's beyond belief, Paul, yet here it is.

    Who wrote that for her?

  6. Sgt., you can imagine the Russian regional governors when their corruptionwas found out in the face of the war effort.

    I won't even start on holy democracy Ukraine.
