Tuesday, April 12, 2022



It started off gently, with a soothing murmur of thunder and unassuming flashes of lightning. Yes, our Old Enemy the Weather was up to zhir old tricks again, pretending to be some kind of first year curate fresh out of Duke or some other lesser satan like Sewannee.

Then boom, the sky turned green, wind blasted out of the north driving sheets of rain before its onslaught as thunder crashed from heaven with all the elemental ferocity of MLRS on the Kharkov front. (What? Ed.)

In related news, 1000 marines wisely surrendered in a Ukrainian port, a French reporter claims the US is running the Ukrainian Foreign Legion, huh, and a church in Chicago is urging its congregation to "fast from whiteness" during Lent. What does that look like, Talcum X or Rachel Dolezal? Your call.

More seriously, please say a prayer for my rodeo friend who died on Saturday, he was a good man. His requiem's tomorrow, may he rest in peace and rise in glory.

Dies Irae,



  1. My condolences on your friend's passing, Parson. Prayers sent!

    The SF emblem made coffee go everywhere....

  2. Thanks, drjim.

    Heh, armchair warriors...

  3. Sad to hear of the passing of a good man. Condolences to his family and to you.

  4. Condolences for your friend and comfort and peace to his friends and family.

  5. We had a lot of lightning here and then the sky got a bright yellow around 7PM. I said more prayers.

    And prayers for all who knew your friend, Parson.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  6. My condolences for your friend and may our Father comfort his family.

  7. Prayers for your friend.
    We had high winds yesterday as well and today they're still blowing, though not as hard. I suppose later on I'll have to see what I have to pick up out in the yard.

  8. I gave up my whiteness for Lent, it's been a great struggle and I can't wait till it's over. On a positive note, I've been able to steal and loot thousands of dollars of merchandise and burn down my local bank with zero repercussions, because racisms.

  9. Prayers for the lovely rodeo dude and his family.

    One thing I miss from Minnesota (and the good Lord knows, there's darn few things I miss) ---- but the green sky thingy is missed. We don't do green sky, and very few actual thunderstorms.

  10. Thank you, WSF, I appreciate it and so do the family.

  11. Thank you, Kid, it's a loss.

  12. We must pray more, Linda, the times demand it.

  13. Thank you, Ed, I'll pass that on. He was a good man.

  14. Jim, the winds have been ferocious. Surprised there's anything let here. Thanks for the prayers.

  15. Doktor, I'm worried. Are you guilty of thought crime?

  16. Adrienne, they're really good people and you would love them.

    Then there's the weather.

    It's pretending to be Spring here before the oven door shuts.

  17. And ................ we just got about 8" of snow (Good Friday.) No kidding! However, a high of 44° should take care of it before church at 3:00 pm.

  18. Whoa, Adrienne, 8"! Well, that's climate change for you... Hope the Mass of the Presanctified went well. I did two... hmmmm. Both were good, in a mission church kind of way.

    Did your choir sing the REPROACHES, I hope?
