Saturday, March 19, 2022

Stupid Busy


Good Lord it's been an intense few days. Well, no rest for the wicked. Speaking of which, hate hoaxer Juicy's been released pending appeal. He lied to the world saying he was attacked by vicious MAGA racists who were really two Nigerian brothers, Empire extras to boot. Juice paid them $3,500, by check, idiotically.

Then there's Hunter Biden. Turns out the Big Guy's son's laptop is, in fact, the real deal because, you know, fact check all about truth. Too bad our media's become an agitprop lie factory running at full speed. And where will it end?

That remains to be seen. In the meanwhile, this is MAGA country.

Your Pal,



  1. Good to read you are doing well, Parson.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  2. Think on this one think: Brandon says his kid is "the smartest guy I know."

    Consider all the people Brandon knows in the District of Criminals.

    What if that really is true?

  3. Leave Jussie alone! He's a martyr to the white man's oppressive and patriarchal power structure. You know, just like OJ!
