Tuesday, March 1, 2022

State Of The Union


Sometimes a picture's worth a thousand words. That said, what's with the sign language obsession. Are more people deaf now, their eardrums blown out by the sheer volume of vacuity thundering across our airwaves like an MLRS barrage on the Dnieper? Possibly.


Speaking of which, Old Joe's gonna give those Russians a lesson they won't forget. That's right, no more US airspace for you, Russkies, you can't fly here, just like you couldn't during the pandemic. Take that. We can imagine Z Force sheepishly withdrawing from the Donetsk/Luhansk breakout and rolling wretchedly back across their start line. But that's not all.

No, Joe's going to beat inflation by raising wages and lowering costs, and it works like this. You have a business with workers which makes a product, say T 14 power plants. These were already expensive and now, thanks to supply chain snarl ups and associated costs they're even more expensive. Problem. 

Solution? Raise wages, that way your product's even more expensive which is why it's cheaper. Not unlike Climate Change aka the weather; the hotter it gets the colder it becomes. You see, there's a logic to this and the market responded, pushing WTI crude to just under $110 a barrel on the heels of the Commander in Chief's SOTU encouragement. The Russians were taken aback too, reportedly advancing in Kherson and Mariupol. 

I'm afraid we're in for a rigorous Lent.

Your Old Pal,



  1. Nice of WalMart Ukraine to allow tanks to park overnight…they’re sorta like RV’s as it appears they are simply driving around the countryside taking in the sights…or catching on fire…like a Top Gear BBC episode when The Boys destroy their “caravans”.

  2. Obama's third term is even worse then his first two. Xiden is even less competent than ever. Rather than waste time listening to him, and the RINO rebuttal, took the dog for a walk.

  3. Sweet Little Wife had it on, but I don't care to watch Kabuki Theater.

    Might be some lean times coming, Parson. I pray for the little ones....

  4. The sign language, with all the absurd facial gesturing might have been more aggravating to watch than Pelosi and Harris.
    I turned it off too soon to be able to tell.

  5. This Lent there will be no need for self-denial.
    The governments going to handle that for us.

  6. I haven't watched a State of the Union speech since my one time girlfriend made me watch Jimmy Carter give one in 1980. That's when I knew it was over. It sounds like last night's show would have done me in especially with Joe's demented economics lesson. Politicians who have never been in business should stay out of everybody else's business.

  7. The circuit breakers on my BS detectors tripped so I couldn't watch even if I wanted.

    I predict though, that if this sort of thing (SOTU) continues, language in America will morph into little more than hand signals and grunting noises. It'll probably be better that way anyhoo.

  8. Ed, +1 on both accounts. Not to be insensitive, but I have wondered if there is a significantly higher percentage of deaf folks than ever before as it seems the “signers” are part of every speech or conference.

  9. Should be a reflective Lent here at clan DOS- most of the menfolk have been participating in Exodus 90 and the womenfolk are beginning Fiat 40. We continue to pray for peace in Eastern Europe. We will also continue to ignore our 'betters' here as we did throughout the plandemic.

  10. See, all the comments here prove Biden's accusation toward Americans psychologically incapable of liking him. Or something. Signing at all government levels is remindful of similar proceedings in Canada, where it is verboten to have a Judeo-Christian prayer, but all meetings begin with a First Nations citizen lifting a pipe to the four corners and then giving thanks to pagan gods in a language no one understands.

  11. My favorite sign language guy was the African, a few years back, who made up his own sign language and it was inappropriate to suggest that the marginalized African was just full of shit.

    Finally, somebody did, but calling him on it was scandalous.

  12. I do like Top Gear, Paul, I have to say.

  13. I think you're very wise, WSF.

  14. Me too, drjim, and for all the young people serving. Kyrie Elieson.

  15. Ed, it sure looks that way, and then there's the sign language craze. What's with that?

  16. Pewster, the antics of the "signer" alone were enough to make any sane person stand aghast.

  17. Exactly, Kid, that's what I was hinting at. A sort of tribal, pre-written language primitivism. And all because of the SONIC ATTACK levied on us by our beloved leaders.

  18. I think there must be, Paul, otherwise why have them? Surely not risible virtue signalling garbage.

  19. Same here, DOS, and for sure, it promises to be a long Lent.

  20. Now that, Sgt., is an excellent point.

    Speaking of "Four Corners" and spirit entity/demons -- TikTok witches, yes there is such a thing, are warning people against hexing Putin because "lashback." Too bad 45 didn't have the same protection, perhaps.

  21. But LL, what a clever African!

    Do you remember Daktari, such an awesome show.

  22. Happy Ash Wednesday, LSP. I have a magnificent blob on my forhead. No cross this year for this sinner. I'm surprised Father Gordon didn't dump the whole dang bowl full on my head. ;-)

    I haven't got my Lent reading lined up yet, but I have until Sunday to get it together. I did start re-reading Seven Story Mountain, which does contain some good observations. I'm sure my pastor would cringe if he knew I was reading Merton.

  23. I hate to say it, Adrienne, but Merton had his moments...

    Have a blessed and holy Lent!
