Saturday, March 26, 2022

Some Kind Of Armageddon Joke? No, Just Our Joe


The president figure of America's in Poland where he spoke with the famed 82nd Airborne and pretended to be one of the guys while eating pizza. Just a regular man of the people, but why did he speak from a giant zero? Here, look:

A parable, perhaps, and why did the Old Crook tell the 82nd they were going to war in the Ukraine. A demented octogenarian slip of the tongue or something more sinister? Good question and the White House is saying it's just an honest slip because, you know, the Big Guy's such an honest man. Don't say 10%.

Putin got a bashing too, with Uncle Joe threatening to remove him from power, “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power. God bless you all and may God defend our freedom." 

Freedom. Unless you're rotting in DC Gitmo for well over a year because of your brazen attack on our politico corporate managerial elite. Whatever, Breitbart won the dry award of the week, "It is unclear whether Biden’s comment was part of his prepared remarks."

That in mind, our beloved 81 million vote leader believes in first strike nuclear war and this brings us to a point. Regardless of your opinion on the rights and wrongs of the Ukraine action, why are powerful people openly and unapologetically talking of atomic conflict. And they are, 35% of Americans support them.

This, to me and perhaps you, is both heinous and diabolic.



  1. It is incumbent upon us to pray:
    Father, thank you for the gift of this country that you have placed us in.
    Help us to protect and preserve this gift that you have given us.
    Please lead us and guide us today and in the days to come,
    Please restore the political prisoners in DC to their freedom.
    Please continue to awaken the American People from their slumber, those that are not aware of the danger. Please move and provoke a spiritual awakening from the false religion of wokeness.
    Please help us retake the government from the traitors and criminals that have stolen it.
    Please move mightily and either bring these oppressors to a place of repentance or imprisonment.
    I ask that if they will not repent, that you destroy them. That you will protect us. Amen.

  2. Biden forgot that the senior Officer eats last, placing care of the troops ahead of himself.

  3. Good time to watch Dr Strangelove.

    Amen Ed.

  4. The men in the photo look more than a bit uncomfortable.
    +1 Ed

  5. “Soldiers to the left of me, soldiers to the right…here I am A POSER stuck in the circle again.”

    Now picture this scene with President Trump and A Real 1St Lady, what does it do to your mind and American spirit?

  6. The. Most. Popular. President. Ever!!!! 81 million Americans cannot be wrong. Granted some are dead or never existed but still....................the adults are back in charge!!

  7. There used to be something called "fragging", but I forget what it meant.

  8. Good prayer, ED, thanks for that.

  9. Paul and WSF, I'm with Ed on this.

  10. But Anon, do you think the Doddering Old Crook even knows where zhe is?

  11. What a perfect verse, 4Branch.

  12. Right with you, Kid. This is wild, evil and bizarre.

  13. I was thinking that too, Jim. And who can blame them?

  14. I was thinking exactly that, Paul. Dear Lord. And btw, the troops don't like this. I have that first hand.

  15. That's the beauty of it, Infidel. Because we follow the SCIENCE.

  16. Anon, are you somehow criticizing our Beloved Leader?
