Friday, March 4, 2022

Nothing To See Here


Imagine, if you can, the threat of a hostile power setting up bioweapons labs on our border with, say, Mexico. Would you feel worried, threatened, outraged? I would and I'd want to see them gone. That in mind, the US is or was apparently doing just that, running biolabs in the Ukraine, at least 11 of them.


They go under the aegis of the US Department of Defense's Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP) and the US Embassy in Ukraine makes no bones about it. They're there to "consolidate and secure," but if benign why, on February 26, did the embassy purge documents from its website detailing the labs?


Regardless, and despite the US Embassy's healthcare euphemisms, see Planned Parenthood, would any of us for a split second expect our government to put up with this at the very least potential threat on our borders. I don't think so. Why, then, should we expect Russia to.

Kyrie Eleison, a TikTok Witch

That in mind, it's no small thing for Putin to roll into Ukraine with all the risk that entails. So why invade? Of course he could be an unhinged, warmongering tyrant, a new Hitler if you like. 

On the other hand, perhaps he recognized a serious existential threat and moved to neutralize it, biolabs and all. Feel free to disagree, but I'm not so sure Warmongering Tyrant Hitler (WTH) describes Putin. 

Your call,



  1. I hear that a Ukrainian nurse testified that Russian soldiers took over a hospital and pulled babies from incubators, threw them on the floor, and bayoneted them.

  2. Yes, Herr Doktor. Yet another reason to purge all Russian content from Disney.

  3. Our State Department and alphabet agency made Ukraine to Russia as the Soviet Union made Castro's Cuba to the USA. The Ukraine criminal class found sole mates with our criminal class. Oops, my bad, political class.

    While I think Putin is a vile and evil person, he probably sees himself as the defender of his nation's vital interests.

  4. It's so easy to fake anything these days. Who knows. I'm disappointed in all the people who want to go to war with Russia.

    Let's say we won. What next, pull 80% of Russian citizens into the US Welfare system?

    Plus couldn't even beat the taliban and they didn't even have modern weapons or much of anything else.

  5. We live in interesting times LSP - and the fog of corruption obscures much.

  6. Since I’m only poxing and not hexing I figure I’m safe asking for a well placed lightening bolt in a secret Russian megalomaniacs bunker (God would know where though).

  7. "Principalities and powers" don't necessarily have to be on the same side; the Vietnamese had a saying that when elephants fight, it is the ants that get crushed.

    And, WSF had it right the first time (criminal class).

  8. Putin is Warmongering Tyrant Hitler? I thought that was Trump. Oh. Same guy? Okay. Darned Democrats always trying to confuse me.

  9. I think you're right, WSF. And just how many millions were our beloved Leaders pumping out of Ukraine?

  10. It's most disheartening, Kid, I have to say.

    But fake? I think the biolabs are/were real enough and something made Putin scared enough that he felt he had to launch. Then again, maybe the perceived threat was a chimera, as in "what harm can a herd of rainbow unicorns do to us?"

    Quite a lot, terrifyingly.

  11. Ain't that the truth, LL. And what a stenching fog it is.

  12. Paul, who knew of the the existence of TikTok witches? Yet here we are.

    Kyrie Eleison.

  13. Dammit, SgtBob, it gets more confusing by the second.

    Good thing we've got the most popular president in the history of history working for us.
