Saturday, February 19, 2022

Well Done Calgary


A day after Trudeau's Stasi took on Ottawa protesters the people of Calgary took to the streets in defiance of  their country's Rainbow Potentate. Protests also broke out in Quebec City and Winnipeg where truck convoys are moving into position, as they are on the BC border. Toronto's come out too, along with other smaller protests in Ontario and elsewhere.

I'd say that was brave. Bear in mind, the people doing this are being threatened with jail, the seizure of property, bank accounts and, in Ottawa, the death of their pets. What? Seriously, get arrested, go to jail and we'll kill your dog if you don't or can't reclaim it after 8 days, says OPP.

Smooth move, Ottawa police, whose interim Supremo's vowed to hunt down and persecute convoy supporters in the months ahead. Well played, Colin, now the protesters in Canada's capital don't have any incentive to leave.

Ottawa aside, it looks like the protest against government tyranny's spreading. So what are they going to do, arrest everyone, start shooting? I don't think so. Maybe an announcement saying the science has changed would be in order. But don't hold your breath, expect the Stasi and the power behind them to escalate.

In the meanwhile, well done Calgary and get your cash outta the banks.

Your Best Pal,



  1. This whole thing is getting totally out of control, and rumors abound that the US is starting one too... I'm afraid of what will happen if they descend on DC!

  2. Good news here. And yes, get out of the banks pronto.

    Someone else suggested, "Hey just park your truck at home and stop moving merchandise". Long as enough do it but it seems like 6 of one half dozen regardless?

  3. Browsing YouTube, seems demonstrations are taking place all across Canada. No mention of the Maritime Provenances but Toronto and Quebec are seeing demonstrations even as the truckers are leaving Ottawa.

  4. Yes. What will happen next is the Canuckistasi will fire and kill protestors. Which will result in further crackdowns by Turdeau et al. Which will result in more protests, and more protestors. Which will result in more protestors getting arrested, mauled, shot, beaten, ruined. Which will result in further crackdowns.

    The tipping point was "Will the Canadian LEOs side with the people and the Law, or with the illegal and immoral government?" And sadly the answer is, "No, the Canadian LEOs sided with the corrupt, illegal and immoral government."

    Stupid LEOs. They just signed their deathwarrants and attacks on their family. Because that's what you get when you curb-stomp Grandma.

  5. And, Kid at 7:43PM,

    Parking at your home is nice and sweet, until the government federalizes you and your job and your truck and force you at gunpoint to move supplies. That's coming.

  6. Beans, well then that's time to cry Havoc.

  7. I saw, Ed. Denied bail too, I think.

  8. Looks that way, WSF. And I think PEI's gone in too.

  9. Beans, I see this thing getting outta hand pretty quickly. And federalize? Yes.

    On the bright side, it didn't end well for Ceausescu.

  10. I think I'm with Beans on this, Kid, but let's see. In the meanwhile, expect lots of cash withdrawals.

  11. *and Havoc's doubtless brewing.

  12. I drove truck in the oilfield for a while. They make you drive a truck, there are dozens of ways to make sure it doesn't get to where they tell you to take it. Or, you can tie things up for quite a while by wrong turns or saying you got sick from truck stop food, flats, all kinds of things. Find out where the low bridges are, pull up to one and snarl things up for a while. Or, sooner or later you gotta go out of service, so that gives you some free time to let air out of the tires or unscrew the oil plug of the rig next to you. And that's just the easy stuff. A highly motivated driver could do a lot of damage with 18-wheels if he put his mind to it. Not that I would ever suggest such a thing.......

  13. I drove truck in the oilfield for a while. They make you drive a truck, there are dozens of ways to make sure it doesn't get to where they tell you to take it. Or, you can tie things up for quite a while by wrong turns or saying you got sick from truck stop food, flats, all kinds of things. Find out where the low bridges are, pull up to one and snarl things up for a while. Or, sooner or later you gotta go out of service, so that gives you some free time to let air out of the tires or unscrew the oil plug of the rig next to you. And that's just the easy stuff. A highly motivated driver could do a lot of damage with 18-wheels if he put his mind to it. Not that I would ever suggest such a thing.......

  14. Well the difficulty is if you start to raise questions such as 'the labourer is worthy of his hire' or any economic angle or 'follow the money'. Much drops away if one does in terms of understanding and the nub of what is involved comes to the forefront.
