Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Honking Will Continue


Yes, until freedom.

Freedom from the GloboCorp Health Stasi.

Wanna buy food? Show me your papers, dirt person.

Stasi? Or would that be Nazi?

But what can we say, the Russians did it! Dammit, GRU has its tentacles everywhere.

And look what they've done, cost health workers their jobs in the midst of a pandemic. The sheer, brazen, literal, diabolic machinations of the Kremlin.

Seriously, people have had enough of this viral, flatten the curve farce, witness the UK and BoJo's desperate hail May popularity bid to save his sinking career by ending Covid BS. Is everyone in England dying? No, they're not, neither are Texans or people from Florida or truckers in Ottawa.

That aside, our rulers are ruling because they want power and they've worked to get it. Are we prepared to say no to exactly that. Out of left field, Canada seems to be leading the way and more power to 'em. No more masks, no more mandates, no more freakish stasi "show me your papers," no more unelected, power hungry Health Service bureaucrats dictating the way we live and move, no more of that.

On point, farmers have joined the truckers. You see, thing is, baristas and associated theater majors, unless it's grown and shipped to you you don't get it. Take note. In the meanwhile, the honking continues.

Your Pal,



  1. Sheeple are the problem and it seems in Canada they have stopped. Today I was in the Peoples Republic of Boulder County, CO with 100% mask requirements. Maskless, I walked around two stores and none of the sheeple said a word. Voting my wallet, I waited to return to my mask optional county before spending any money.

  2. WSF, I won't bet the fighting monkey but I'll wager they didn't dare.

    Let's see an end to this BS.

  3. Speaking of fighting mon....um....nevermind......well anyhow, Whoop-Whoop-Whoopie Goldberg has been suspended from "The View" for two weeks over hurtful and misleading comments she made on Monday's show about the Holocaust. Say it isn't so!

  4. The vaxes don't work, the boosters don't work. Even Queen Justine has the plague. When will the farce end?

    The truckers and farmers say, NOW.

    Maybe the city dwellers will learn where the food comes from?

  5. https://twitter.com/KevinCTV/status/1488586558181715970/photo/1
    More for your next post
    A selection of messages written on vehicles at the Coutts border blockade
    Have fun

  6. The truckers should be careful. The State ALWAYS wins. I don't see a happy ending to this.

  7. CBC reporting on this shows people in Ottawa complaining about the noise and disruption and how they just want to get back to their lives. How myopic? can't they see that is what the whole convoy is about? getting back to our lives?
    Go truckers. They have already had the effect of Ontario loosening hospital visiting mandates and I can now visit my husband in long-term care, whom I have not seen in person for 6 weeks.
    What is some noise compared to that?

  8. Wait until the USA trucker's do the same in DC, that’ll be interesting. Maybe AOC will tweet out how she is again fearing for her life, even if she isn’t anywhere near DC at the time. From what I know Ottawa is a big tailgate party except with big rigs.

  9. >What is some noise compared to that?

    It's all about their victimhood. Because in this fallen world (the ethos of which is no longer Western) claimed suffering is the sole measure of goodness and moral value. That guy whose poor kitty died was obviously trolling, but the idiot (almost certainly with high IQ) whose comment was just to the right was throwing his victimhood flags on the play. Contemptible.

  10. I saw that, Wild. And she's threatening to resign. Who knows, maybe she can join Neil Young on Spotify. Oh! No, that'd be a negative.

  11. Let's see how this plays out, LL. Good to see the farmers coming in, eh? As for Queen Justine... Castro must be spinning in his grave.

  12. Infidel, how long can Toronto, Vancouver and Ottawa hold out against flyover country, ie the rest of the country? Let's hope it ends well, but I take your point...

  13. CBC's appalling, Julie. Agitprop shills for their GloboCorp paymasters. But good to hear you can see your husband again!

  14. Looks that way, Paul, good for them. A US convoy to DC? It's been rumored, one way or another, for a few months. Let's see it.

  15. I totally agree, Mike. And victimhood smugly whining for its own oppression to boot. Huh.

  16. The breaking point has finally been hit... And the report from JHU on the failure of lockdowns is fueling even more anger!

  17. Apparently, the racist, misogynist, fascist, extremist Truckers are working on behalf of Russia.

  18. Just keeps on climbing, NFO. What a gang of liars. Will anyone be held accountable? Tempting to say no but evil has a way of overreaching itself in that hubris meets nemesis kinda way, so let's see.

    In the meanwhile, Castreau's exposed for all the world to see. What a whiny, cowardly, smugly faux fearful little princess.

  19. And Mike, contemptible isn't in it. I'm so threatened! "literally being sieged by honking!"

    Same tune as AOC crying for her life over J6, Trump is a Russian agent! and violent white extremists will overthrow our cherished democracy!

    What a gang of lying, fraudulent, fauxtrage mountebanks. And I'm being kind. Again and with you, contemptible.
