Sunday, February 20, 2022

Polish Hussars


As reported by LL, 300,000 Polish Hussars are riding to defend Europe and reestablish the Polish-Lithuanian Empire. This is laudable and heroic.

But Hussars, listen, a once great and free country is besieged by the heathen. The True North Strong And Free is under grievous attack. Hear their cries, ride to the defense of Canada as you rode for Vienna! Freedom and the Faith hangs in the balance.

Not kidding about that last part and neither is the DLC on the former.

Jan Sobieski Forever,



  1. From 'The Battle of Britain': "Repeat, please".

  2. Sobering comment from a writer.

    One thing to notice about the coverage of the Canadian Freedom Convoy is how the American media, particularly from conservative outlets, didn’t reflect the will of Canadians. You’d think Justin Trudeau going full totalitarian, turning into a little Fidel Castro (like father, like son – look it up), would bring about a collapse in his popularity, but it hasn’t. Most Canadians were upset he didn’t act sooner.

    1. Just like Biden/demonrats aren't losing popularity fast enough.

  3. Is Poland in any danger relative to Russia's expansion efforts into Ukraine? I know we sent some military there. Something I don't know? Now, that would be interesting.

    @WSF, and imo, that's what make the situation in Canada that much worse, people willing to go along with such gross abuse of a portion of the population. I guess it doesn't occur to them, they might be next on the chopping block and if course it doesn't.

    We could see similar in America and already have in the case of jailing people who were invited into the Capitol bldg on 1/6 and who damaged or threatened nothing.

    I think Trump exposing these snakes has actually made them accelerate their anti-American activities. How soon before the feds just tell everyone to sit down and shut up or go to jail? And like supposedly 7 of 10 Canadians supporting Justine, how many Americans will hop on board with these disgusting fascists called democrats.

  4. How many of those Hussars are part of the UN troops currently in Canada?


  5. Good call, RHT! Let's go shooting soon.

  6. Accelerate? Kid, I totally agree.

    The 7/10 figure is as accurate as our own polls.

  7. WSF, I take TownHall's polls with a pinch of salt.

    Ontario? Different matter, they're insane.

  8. Wait till the Peoples' Convoy hits DC, Linda.

  9. And how many, Anon, are Convoy?

    1. Many, I would hope.
      Living in interesting times.

