Sunday, February 13, 2022



It got a bit 1940s after Mass


And why not?

A person should be proud of their uniform, their country, their family and their Faith. And I'm proud of my eldest for getting it together in just that way. Good work, kid, keep it coming. The Missions were pleased too, "Send me your Colonel's address and I'll write," said one Col. Rtd. to the young 'un.

So, here's a salute to all those serving.




  1. I really like the new Army Class A uniform.

  2. Me too, WSF, it looks sharp. They should never have left.

  3. Looks like he's wearing an expert's badge. Apparently someone did a good job teaching him to shoot.

  4. Well now, all those people whining about how it used to be better "back in the OLD army" are gonna have to find something else to whine about now, wot?

    I remember the "old army" and have repented of it.

  5. Oh yes, and another thing. I am informed that in the Air Farce, airpersons are allowed to walk around with their hands in their pockets now. Haw. Say it isn't so, Brandon!

  6. Good call, Jim. And to be fair, his Drills at Benning cheated -- compressing weeks of training into one week(ish) and spending the rest on shooting. They'd been shot at, and so.

    Then there were summers in Texas :)

  7. Wild, I remember being issued an ashtray(!). But yes, there's hope for us yet. Old Army meets New Army meets Old Army.

    A bit like that WHO song, when you think it.

  8. drjim, I'm very proud. It could easily have gone a DIFFERENT way.

  9. .Sharp dressed young man…Apples don’t fall far you know.

  10. I have been out going on 32 years, and the new/old uniform was what I wanted lo those many years past. Your youngin' has a good eye for detail.

  11. For a little perspective, Phil at has a 24 yr old son who he posted about. The kid destroyed a tire and bent the heck out of the wheel hitting something, then didn't have any money to deal with it or know how if he did.
    This after hitting something and bending both front wheels and destroying both tires not long ago. Then didn't know how to change the wheels.


    Phil said he bought the stuff but made the kid do the work.

  12. That Marlboro is the crowning touch LSP, like dad like son.
    Lights or Reds, prefer Reds myself.

  13. Thanks, Paul. I clearly need to upgrade my turn out...

  14. I'm glad they went back to it, Sgt., and the troops like it. Pricey, though.

  15. Kid, it's been an... interesting journey but things are looking good right now, thank God.

  16. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  17. The jokes aside, That boy cuts a manly look. Any girl with a bit of good old USA patriotism would swoon. Yes that uniform is one hell of an improvement over the last ones. Totally military and sharp. Be proud of him you have every right to.

  18. WWWW
    Haven't pockets always been called "Air Force Mittens" by Army NCOs?

  19. I dunno, WSF. Didn't spend much time around the zoomies other than hitching a few rides. Generally they swooped in, loaded us up and kicked us off at the other end without fanfare.

    A buddy, however, was a loadmaster and from the stories he tells, I chose the wrong career path!

  20. Herr Doktor, he's a gig fan of "get off the couch" :)

  21. Thank you, Egyptian, I really appreciate that.

  22. WSF, whenever I think of mittens I think of Romney. I know, unsettling, but there it is.

  23. Thanks, Ed!

    It's been a bit of a journey and LL helped too, but the kid made the choice, well done.

  24. Wild, I know nothing, but what a smart uniform. Thanks, 45, for giving the Army that.
