Friday, February 18, 2022

I'm Sickened


We all knew it was coming, Manhattan Infidel even said as much, "The STATE WINS." As in, don't you step outta line, serfs, or we'll ride you down, freeze your bank accounts, take your property, lock up your kids and kill your dogs.

That's the spirit, spirit of the age as evidenced today in Ottawa. I tell you, watching veterans being attacked by riot cops, only obeying orders, made me feel sick to my stomach. To say nothing of other people, hauled off to jail for brazenly standing against what's now obvious, a Rainbow Stasi State.

Like, how dare you oppose us! So, freedom died today in Canada, and there you are, Canadians, living in a biomed police state. Maybe you want to leave the country? Good luck with that, peasant, you'll have to escape across the border or take an experimental vax which might or might not kill you.

That we're here, now, appalls me. Two weeks to flatten the curve has turned to full-on Stasi repression, and maybe that's what it was all about all along. In the meanwhile, the Left loves it, except for Canada's Communist Party which curiously doesn't. Look it up if you have the energy.

Stand Against Tyranny,



  1. Can't fight City Hall. Someone said that. I never thought about it that much but I guess it boils down to the cops back then just as now want to keep their paychecks so they will grossly abuse the population on orders.

  2. Canadians may soon cease to be polite and peaceful. What next, suspend elections?

  3. Something like that, Kid. I'm appalled.

  4. If there ever was a time for Americans to reflect upon the wisdom of having a 2nd Amendment that time is now.

  5. What Infidel said. Perhaps that has occurred to some of our Canadian brothers and sisters as well.

  6. I'm sure it has, RHT. BUt let's see what unarmed people power can do :)
