Friday, February 11, 2022

Country Freedom

It was all go this morning with tractors, trailers, heavy metal and country life. All under the big blue sky of Texas, and what's wrong with that? Nothing at all. But what hard workers! Which made me feel guilty, "Don't worry brother, you're supervizin." 

Soon an sho 'nuff the job was done, trailers strapped down, metal hauled off and all was well with the world. You see, what we've been doing is getting a property ready to sell and it's live right now. Good result, and big thanks to ES without whom everything would've been overwhelming, and to neighbors G&D, who work like Trojans.

And so back to the Compound, but not before checking the news, and what news it was. War with Russia "imminent," what? Trudeau tripling down on the working class, Doug Ford in Ontario declaring a "state of emergency" and my pal setting up a stage in a covert location, somewhere in California.

"This might be a long day," he offered, and I agreed. In the meanwhile, looks like there's a party going on in Ottawa. To the beat of the drum.




  1. It sounds like full days at the compound.

  2. The Hagg would be proud of you.

  3. It's been pretty busy, LL, I have to say. All good though.

  4. Well that was awesome, Wild! Hmmmm... maybe need to restart "Jukebox Mondays."
