Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Convoy Songs


Thanks to a ferocious backlash against Tom Petty's amazing smash hit, awesome single Won't Back Down, the Compound's offering a different set of tunes to back the world's epicenter freedom protest. Here they are.

RHT's choice. Good call, my friend.

Wild, now you're talking. And what's this?

Then there's CONVOY, our favorite.

Songs aside, expect the full weight of the Rainbow Stasi to fall on its opponents anytime soon. Imagine the scene, tolerance officers dragging vets out of their trucks in front of their children, all in the name of tolerance. Beyond disgusted. 

Stand steady, gentlemen and women, against rapacious NWO tyranny.

Your Old Pal,



  1. Ballad of the USS Titanic?

    Really, Parson?

    Well sheeeee...I ain't gonna make rope no more!

  2. You can't have a revolution without theme songs. I still like the Bonny Blue Flag.

  3. They'll still be playing Johnny Cash songs in a thousand years. The rest of what passes for music these days, not so much.

  4. I'm with you on that, LL. Catchy tune.

  5. Actually, that wasn't my choice, although it works fine. Credit goes to someone else.

  6. The tides are turning, the left has been exposed as hypocrites, they've painted themselves into a corner and there is no way out of this without leaving their footprints. They don't know how to deal with peaceful protesttors, because the violent Dindu thug rioters across the globe walked with zero consequences. If the Libs want to lose the upcoming election seasons , they will continue to do what doesn't work... Calling their citizens racist, sexist, homophobic, terrorist insurectionists.

  7. Looks like buying a gas can might be difficult.
    Gonna be some at the yard sales this spring, I betchya
