Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Candlemas 2022


You may have missed it but today's Candlemas, the beautiful feast of the church year in which the Old Testament is fulfilled in terms of the New and Christ, the living temple, enters into His earthly facsimile.  It is, when you think on it, a bridge to Easter.

Here's Newman:

The Angel-lights of Christmas morn,

Which shot across the sky,

Away they pass at Candlemas,

They sparkle and they die.

Comfort of earth is brief at best,

Although it be divine;

Like funeral lights for Christmas gone,

Old Simeon's tapers shine.

And then for eight long weeks and more

We wait in twilight grey,

Till the high candle sheds a beam

On Holy Saturday.

We wait along the penance-tide

Of solemn fast and prayer;

While song is hush'd, and lights grow dim

In the sin-laden air.

And while the sword in Mary's soul

Is driven home, we hide

In our own hearts, and count the wounds

Of passion and of pride.

And still, though Candlemas be spent

And Alleluias o'er,

Mary is music in our need,

And Jesus light in store.

Bless you all.

Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος,



  1. Lovely photo for a lovely day!

    Brought in several beeswax candles for our Parish Priest to bless under the Old LATIN Form (wrote that in caps so Pope Frank doesn't miss it - I'm sure he's a regular here). The wax was from our hives that we have been accumulating and they smell wonderful when being burnt.

  2. And the darkness, LL, shall not master it.

    We know this.

  3. Beautiful, DOS!

    And yes, the Latin has power.
