Saturday, February 26, 2022



Everyone's forgotten, perhaps, about John Durham's investigation into the kind of skulduggery and malfeasance that'd make a Watergate investigator blush. That's right, alleged DNC/Hillary campaign spying on a political rival and beyond, aided and abetted by the FBI and others.

But here's Kash Patel:

This story is the biggest political scandal and criminal scandal in US history… John Durham has interviewed 24 people in the Grand Jury to include, CIA case officers, FBI agents and directors, leadership in the Clinton Campaign cycle, and they’ve indicted her lawyer. So this is just starting. It’s how you build a criminal conspiracy case. And they’re not going to be able to ignore indictments once they start coming in… Michael Sussman and Marc Elias were the lead attorneys for the Clinton Campaign. They were paid millions and millions of dollars to perpetuate the Steele Dossier fraud. And now we know they were paid millions of dollars to go out and buy false information from a tech executive… And here’s the worst part. They secured a “sensitive arrangement” with someone in government to gain access to White House servers. That means someone in government gave them permission and paid the contracting tech executive company’s firm to allow that work to happen. That could only have been done with the utilization of the intelligence community willingly. And that to me is the biggest criminal scandal that we have yet to talk about… (on John Durham) He’s going to deliver. This guy is unraveling the biggest criminal conspiracy against a sitting president in the United States history.


Kharkov Today

Bombs indeed, will any hit the target? In the meanwhile, curry's simmering on the stove like a champion and war explodes in the East. I'm aghast at that, the war not the curry, we haven't seen anything like it in Europe since the 1940s. Please pray for peace.

Your Friend,



  1. Sad thing about what Durham is uncovering is that nothing, nothing he has uncovered is new. A lot of it was suspected and even discovered before the 2016 election. Yet the FedGov was so anti-Trump that they sided whole-heartedly with the corrupt Clintons and Obamas.

    And with Resident Fumbles McPuddingBrain in charge, how far will any of this actually go?

    The same people who were hiding, conspiring, obfuscating are the ones in charge right now.

    Just look at what's more news than the Durham probe, a black female Supreme Court nominee. Some trans idiot in charge of nuclear waste, or the Surgeon General, or...

  2. Praying for peace, Parson. And our military. And America. And the world as a whole.
    May God have mercy and bless us all.

  3. I fear that it will all come down to one poor skink akin to Philip Nolan in Man Without a Country, with he alone, or a pitifully small few, made to atone for the cabal's sins, whilst all the best and brightest go free, possibly exonerated, perhaps even exalted as Saviors of the Republic. We are at that edge, maybe even past it.

    Durham is grinding the wheels slow and exceedingly fine but I guess that doesn't matter; we will know soon enough.

  4. If any of these people were worried, we'd be hearing about suicides fairly often.

    It will have as much effect on life as the Warren Commission.

  5. Durham is making headway, slowly... Re the bombs in Ukraine, they did get a missile on the oil depot outside Kiev (yes, I refuse to use the 'old/new' spelling.

  6. Yep. My grandfather came from "Kiev".

  7. What if I don't like curry? What then?

  8. I am not hopeful for indictments but if there are any, Durham's group will get convictions. We may have to settle with the Truth in plain site for all to see. You have to believe that the folks behind this scam serve the prince of lies...the Truth scares them.

  9. Beans, I have to agree. Why would the criminals correct themselves?

  10. Sure feels like, WSF.

    Kyrie Eleison.

  11. Wild, I agree. A few minor player/scapegoats may be hung out to dry but beyond that? Not holding my breath.

    Remember how that copt video/youtuber was blamed for Benghazi and put in jail for a WHOLE YEAR?

    Dear God.

  12. Suicides? Exactly, Kid. Let's stay tuned.

  13. Looks that way, NFO.

    Really hard to find anything like real news out of the conflict, though it seems Russia hasn't gone full Grozny, at least not yet, thank God.

  14. That's what I've always called it, ED. Sounds better than "Keeve."

  15. LL, I know some people don't like curry, I really do. That's why there's always a delicious BEAN/BRISKET burrito at the Compound. And fried cherry pie.

    Problem? Solution.

  16. I sure hope he gets them, DOS. What a gang of liars, thieves and crooks. And yes, we know who their Father is.

  17. No Democrat will see the inside of a jail cell. No high-ranking Democrat anyway. Hillary has nothing to worry about. Some low-level flunkies will be indicted and sacrificed. Small price to pay to perpetuate the power of the Deep State. The fix is in. The former Republic of America is no more. As Marcus Aurelius said in Gladiator: "There was once a dream that was Rome. You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish... it was so fragile."

    There once was a dream called America.

  18. I fear you're right, Infidel, but if it's any solace, think of the hellish state the Roman Gens brought themselves to. Many deaths by suicide. Dam! It's all starting to sound familiar.

    Great Gladiator quote.
