Saturday, January 29, 2022

Yes - Joni Mitchell is a Devil Witch


Note Satanic Sceptre

Far-sighted readers of this kebab stand on the information superhighway influential mind blog will remember that Team LSP did the polling, crunched the numbers and came up with a disturbing result. Yes, super talented, big yellow taxi, millionaire celebrity socialist Joni Mitchell is, in fact, a Devil Witch. 

Here, let's follow the science.

Whoa. The polling data's pretty damning, what a Devil Witch. And think, it all started so innocently, in Laurel Canyon, with our old friends, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. There they were, stardust, golden, but not now, oh no. Too busy shilling for the Man, Big Pharma, and that sweet, sweet ca$h.

That in mind, you can see how 2013's poll data's on an exponential curve to devilry upside and Joni doesn't disappoint. She's leaving Spotify to join her old partner in crime, Neil Young, aka Idiot. Get the vax, serfs, the Devil Witch tells us, or you won't be able to listen to my awesome music, you'll have to hear Joe Rogan instead.

Oh dear, what a tragedy, and what can we say? With Wild, "Hey, hey, lost my Spotify." In 2019 there were over 100 million people on Spotify. Now they're missing out on Neil and Joni.

Oh well,



  1. Entertainers should entertain. Businesses should serve their customers. Who really cares about their woke beliefs? Not me.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry. I don't miss either of them. And I don't get music from Spotify.

  4. Goodbye CSN - Y always screwed them up anyway. Goodbye Joni, who may have a decade left to live at best. Don't fear the reaper...

  5. I've watched musicians for years. Their best inspiration lasts a half dozen albums at best, and they then fade away into obscurity punctuated by moments of prostituting the media with ridiculous comments.

  6. Apparently, she'd rather deal with dreamers and telephone screamers after all.

  7. Maybe it was the only way she could get laid.

    As an aside, it is a curious human trait that celebrities are so sure what they say is important stuff. Go to an animal shelter and walk some dogs, then I'll show you a little respect.

  8. They should learn when their relevance had passed the sell by date.

  9. Years ago, Neil Young said in a news story he was tired of people climbing over the gate at his ranch and knocking on his door. Well, Mr. Young, the cause of that looks back at you from a mirror. Peace and love and everybody shares the land, except yours.

  10. Time and time again celebrities demonstrate to us all that we should not worship idols, but time and time again people do.

  11. But WSF, you don't care about Neil and Joni's convictions?

    Report yourself, for wrongthink.

  12. Linda, I've never bought into Spotify and I don't intend to. Unlike, say, Old Shaky.

  13. Whoa, LL! DFTR.

    Then there's Joni.

  14. I can't argue with that, Jess.

    We are stardust.

  15. Well, Wild, no more Spotify for Joni. And there it is.

  16. Kid, I tried to warn her about those freaks.


  17. But Ed, are you saying Joni and Neil are somehow "out of date"?

    Perhaps you're guilty of thoughtcrime. Report to the nearest detention center. Immediately.

  18. Well said, Sgt.!

    Neil's such a #MillSoc hypocrite.

    I scorn that.

  19. They have eyes, pewster, but they do not see.

  20. I would have more sympathy for Joe Rogan if he didn't bend his knee to the bullies and promise Spotify he would be a good boy.
