Friday, January 21, 2022

A Bit of This And a Bit of That


Sometimes pictures speak louder than words

And sometimes they go together.

But look at this! Impossible? Hardly, here it is today at a Walmart in Texas.

So daring!

Yes indeed, in the New World Order you will not eat meat because you won't be able to afford it, serfs. You will eat plant based products and, owning nothing, you will be happy. Davos and the WEF demand nothing less, in the name of health, the environment and justice.

You'll note that in this equation all animals are equal but some far more so than others. Don't say private jet and mansion in the Vineyard or Soylent Green. Instead...

Obey Your Rulers, 



  1. How irritating for the elite when those they regard as serfs don't agree and insist on being citizens.

  2. I tried planting a chicken once. I must have done something wrong because I didn't get any nuggets.

  3. I wonder when they will wake up and discover that the bitter clinger deplorables are actually were right all along. Home schooling is on the rise, March for Life was as big as ever and now Scotland has pulled their Kung Fu mandates. Good read at The Catholic Thing today by Professor Esolen, who does a good job of tying things together.

    I pray for their conversion before they discover the Truth too late.

  4. Soylent set in 2022. Mired, you might say.

    And so are we.....

  5. Wild, it's come to this. Be happy, serfs, as you chow down on that delicious plant chicken.

    Kyrie Eleison.

  6. DOS -- what an excellent short essay at TCT! I might have to share it... and share your prayer.

  7. Dammit, Jim, we try, try and try again.

    But look, are you somehow criticizing our rulers?

  8. WSF, it must be GALLING.

    What a gang of profiteer crook satans.
