Tuesday, December 21, 2021

What About The UFOs?


OK. Here we are, and things are pretty weird. You're a rayciss if you think that the color of someone's skin doesn't determine their worth as a human being. You're threatening the very health of our nation if you don't get a vax which doesn't stop you getting the flu. So you wear a made in China mask which comes from a box explicitly saying its masks don't protect you from viruses.

Off-world insane? Yes, and that's just CRT and Covid. Let's not forget a persyn, who didn't even bother to campaign, becoming the President of the US by an epochal efflorescence of votes; more than any other candidate's had in history. So much for democratic process in our constitutional republic. And the people who dared protest the doddering old crook and the power he represents are in DC Gitmo.

Nice little American gulag, and no wonder the Left doesn't object. But that and more aside, what about UFOs? Seriously, the Navy and Pentagon admit they're there. UFOs, UAPs, unidentified aerial phenomenon, all running around and pulling aerial stunts which can't be accounted for by present tech. Media response? So what or ridicule.

You'd think video footage of inexplicable flying craft was pretty big news, backed up as it is by trustworthy sources, gun cams and pilots. But no, evidently not. Who cares if we're being visited by creatures from a different world or dimension. Like, "how ridiculous."

Except that it's not, it's there for all to see. And we have ask ask, who are they, what do they want, and how many of them are walking amongst us, unknown.Terrifying question, eh?

Ad Astra,



  1. As yet, I'm not buying the alien visitor story for a number of reasons. My theory is that these are unmanned vehicles, given their sudden movements would generate very damaging G forces on people.

    As far as king poopypants and his assembly of clowns... Can it get worse? For me the clinton beast would make it a worse situation. We may need some divine intervention.

  2. God created the universe. Therefore, God created UFO's. Our concern must be that they are not Satan's tools.

  3. After 80-90 years of alien stories, who would have believed humanity's response would be "So?" at (alleged) proof of the real thing? It just didn't happen the way we read it would happen. Not so far, anyway.

  4. The Dem’s are masters at obfuscation and slight of hand, everything they do and say is the old salesman trick of “taking care of the negatives up front”. When The Hag comes out from her cave and suggests “If Trump or someone of his ilk wins in 2024, that will be the end of Democracy”, she really means if THEY get elected it’ll be the end of our Republic. Some odd UFO isn’t even on the playing field with these people, even as a distraction from the current Uselessness of The Whisperer in the WH.

  5. Masters of folklore say pretty firmly that the funny lights in the sky we call UFO's are yet another manifestation of one branch of the fairy-folk. Not the sweet, cute ones in Victoriana but the deadly ones in Irish and Scottish folklore, and likewise so in other cultures. So, though I've seen one or two funny moving lights myself (back a ways, now) I'm not at all sure what they mean (the Grail question). Which is needful to ask, should the occasion arise. In the meantime, taking Abp Vigano's exhortation to heart, may God have mercy on us all! Be as merry as you can under the circumstances, for we are also commanded to joy, not fear.

  6. I'm thinking none of us are surprised that UFOs are real.
    We may be surprised at what they are.

  7. Prepare to be assimilated, heh-heh, no.

    I'm thinking whatever it is, is demonic. And, if true, our political betters are cahooting with them. Yeah, I know, but considering everything else been going on the past couple years,
    maybe not so far-fetched ya-think?.

  8. Kid, I can see a scenario where the BEAST assumes power. Yes, scary.

  9. Now that, WSF, is an excellent point.

  10. COJ, you'l find no arguments here and if you did I might censor them :)

  11. I know, Sgt.

    Here they are, unequivocally, in our skies and everyone yawns. What?!?

  12. But the question, Paul, is how many of them are off-world infiltrates?

  13. Anything is possible LSP. Feeding frenzy of lawlessness and make it up as you go along.

    PS - W W West makes a good point. I wouldn't bet against it.

  14. And also to W W West's point, I can see how that plays into a global vaccine mandate originating from these possible creatures.

  15. I love Archbishop Vigano, Anon, he is a Pole Star and should be Pope as opposed to the apostate Bergoglio.

    That in mind, beware the faeries.

  16. WWW, they've been driven insane, by Satan.

    I think we agree.

  17. Unless the almighty Creator created them in His image, I doubt any alien species exist.

    1. Everything created bears his image, Anon, for sure.

  18. Interesting, and no idea what they really are. But they DO have some performance!

  19. @LSP...Might be more than we think [are not of this world], doing the opposite of normal. Need to locate my special discernment sunglasses.

  20. There are also the UFO patents (web searching is easy) which were filed around the same time that they released the videos, if memory serves...

    It all leads to the question, "What the F- is going on here?"

    1. I know, Zendo! All kinds of bizarre patents...

      And I'm totally with you on the question. My guess is supersecret tech that's about to get less secret. Or not.
