Monday, December 27, 2021

So Not a Tranny


Brigitte Macron, adorable, chic, wife /husband of the premiere of France is not, and a I repeat not a transsexual. Birgitte's even gone to law about it, "Don't you dare say I'm trans or my lawyers will destroy you."

Totally Not a Tranny, at all

Quite right. After all, there's no way anyone in their right mind would think Brigitte a... tranny. But isn't there a law against underage sex? Perhaps, in the NWO way of things, that's been neatly forgotten.

So Never Had a Sex Change

In the meanwhile, what's it to be. Is Brigitte a man turned woman or something else again? 

Your call,



  1. She's 68, he is 44. I think I read they hooked up when he was 15 and in her school class. So that would mean he at 15 and she at 39 at the time.

  2. Ring finger IS shorter than index finger, which is a pretty good indicator of biological XX female*. Have to see other parts to refine the diagnosis however. No, not what some of you perverts think. I'm specifically thinking of the angle of the forearm to the humerus.

    Clearly I don't know my appalling French politicians (or their appalling wives) because all this must be in reference to stuff going on in the news?

    *Men have longer ring than index fingers. (and I am not aware of cosmetic surgeons somehow shortening ring fingers for MTF trannies; it's not like shaving an Adam's apple...) Interestingly, lesbians tend toward relatively longer ring fingers, for females that is.

  3. These are not things I think about regarding foreign power couples, enough to do during the day. BUT, if you ask me about that thing called mayor of Chicago and her "partner"...why does one of them always try to look masculine? Fair question, as I believe it points to self delusion and/or mental illness purposely defiling God's creation.

  4. Exactly, Kid. Obviously age limits are different in the NWO.

  5. I'm impressed by your analysis, Mike.

    For what it's worth, and I'm no expert, I think La Macronne (Brigitte) is probably a woman, though an older one. But here's the thing, an awful lot of Frenchmxn think otherwise. They've been accusing her of being a man, telling all the world that Brigitte is really Brad.

    So "she's" threatened to sue them all into the ground. How dare they attack the Imperial Dignity of France's ruling couple?

  6. Very good point, Paul. And it's weird, if biology has nothing to do with gender why make the effort? And they do, right down to scalpel and a lifelong recipe of chemicals. But I liked this, via a friend:

    "A blasphemous parody of a woman."

