Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Is This The Way?


Maybe it is. Keep it simple, right? That in mind, I powered this wreath with green LED lights and a battery pack. What a compact solution, and green too.  Speaking of which, do you remember Climate Change?

You know, the biggest disaster in the history of disasters which would raise the sea level so high it'd flood out the coasts, kill all the polar bears and... and... destroy the planet? The God King Messiah Barak Obama was a big booster, maybe that's why he bought a seafront mansion in Martha's Vineyard, because what a green socialist. What a colossal scam.

Ma LSP's Ready For Christmas

And now we've got COVID. Better vax up and wear your mask, even though neither protect you from getting and spreading a disease which 99.7+% won't kill you. Leap to it, serfs, and guess what. If you don't, you won't be allowed to enter a shop, much less leave your country. So you'd better OBEY.

Is that the way? Sure, the way of slavery, perdition and corrupt deceit. We walk a different path at the Compound. And lest we forget, remember Pearl Harbor, a day of infamy.

Your Crypto Pal,



  1. And you have a LOT of company on that path, Parson!

  2. There are only two paths - and deciding which one to take is important.

  3. There will be a reckoning either here, the hereafter, or both. I hope I'm prepared for both.

  4. How different would things be if after say 2 months for people to get their bearings a year and a half ago, told the governments to pound salt over the masks, let alone the non-vaccine.

    It is the mass stupidity and cowardice that bothers me and tells me there is no solution at hand.

  5. Now Pelosi has bought a palace in Florida. Nope, not Colorado. Not only is she willing to thumb her nose at Global Warming and buy a place that is doomed to being lost to the rising oceans, she has chosen to be a citizen of a state with a Guvnah who is almost Hitler because of his Trumpian ways.
    Some days I start to wonder if they even believe the stuff they want to tell me are True..

  6. drjim, I wish the Church wasn't so silent or worse, complicit. But thanks for the encouragement!

  7. Yes indeed, LL, we must choose and choose wisely, and broad is the way that leads to...

  8. It's very troubling to me Bob. A bizarre mass delusion and lunacy.

  9. Justin, I'll wager they believe in warmerism to the same extent they believe in maskery, all the way to the bank.

  10. Thanks, NFO! I drove to the 'Sprawl and helped sort out the family homestead for Christmas. Fun.
