Thursday, November 18, 2021

Watching The Grass Grow

There we were, out in the country, just me and the cows and we looked at one another over the gate. What's going on? Not much apart from a welcome respite from the news, and what news it is.

A show trial in Kenosha, the utter mendacity of the media, the VaxScam in which Big Pharma makes billions and you get an experimental shot which may or may not kill you. Then there's war. Curiously, my eldest says his unit's been pulled from deployment to the Ukraine along with many others. Good, he gets to go to Jordan instead. 

But imagine. Say we went to war with Russia because, I don't know, Putin's against rainbow bathrooms, what then. Would our soldiers fight to death and dismemberment on behalf of a globalist rainbow oligarchy which hates and despises them?

More succinctly, would they fight for a lie, a lie they see through because even the lowliest private can get on the internet, to say nothing of common sense. I'll leave it there. 

In the meanwhile, we've been busy watching the grass grow and that's no bad thing. There's a peace in the countryside and Karen's makes a dam fine bean/brisket. That much remains unchanged.

Your Friend,



  1. Have the cows gotten the Covid shots? Are they up to date on critical cow race theory? Does the sight of Bob Weir's shorts cause cow flatulence?

    These questions must be answered!

  2. Here's how to stop this crap. Any time our Dear Leaders decide to involve us in some kinda armed conflict, the house and senate should immediately be issued rifles and formed into an infantry battalion and given the honor of spear-pointing the first wave. It would be called the Smedley Butler Battalion. No deferments for age or infirmities or anything else. Their so called leadership appointed orificers. No training, either, they're already smart enough.

  3. It is amazing that all Texans aren't fat from being so dadgum happy. Sit on the back porch and look out over the pasture or woodlands or sand and rock -- whatever you've got. Man, I'm so happy, think I'll go get some tamales and make some tea.

  4. All fully vaxxed here, Infidel. Well, the cows are and guess what, not one heifer has died. I think, maybe, the records are sealed for the next 200 million years.

  5. Sgt., that's one of the best things about Texas, its awesomeness.
