Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Rittenhouse


Via Kim in Substitute:

Because of all this woke bullshit, we are no longer allowed to use the word “Mozambique” for our favorite shooting drill (two shots in center-mass, one in the head) because raayyycisss.

As always, the solution can be found in the Old Country.  At the suggestion of Mr. Free Market, allow me to present the new drill, the Rittenhouse:

You may disagree, but here at the Compound we feel this infographic is awesome in its simplicity. Try the new drill, the RITTENHOUSE. Practical, eh? Thanks, RHT, for the H/T.




  1. Some people call the shot "a Canadian" because nothing in Canada is racist.

  2. LL, one of the many things I like about Canada is their stalwart defense against bolshevik s8ters. Just kidding, that's Kyle.

  3. They can't stop the signal.

  4. Sorry, LL, can't spel, *sk8ters
