Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Sic Semper Tyrannis



Something really weird happened today, something totally out of the ordinary and unexpected. That's right, the Democrats actually lost an election. You weren't expecting that, were you, far out, eh? But they did, way to go Old Dominion.


Imagine, the sheer temerity of parents objecting to their children being taught they're evil because of the color of their skin. And how could it be that the Party of the most popular president ever didn't win by a landslide. Confusing, isn't it. How?

Precious Metal

Because racism, obviously, which is why Virginia's new Lt. Governor's white, except that she isn't. Way to go, Winsome Sears, USMC. Now let's see more of the same. Everywhere.

Sic Semper,



  1. Excluding Denver county and one suburban county, conservative won the majority of school board seats statewide in CO. LL is right, don't mess with people's kids if you don't want to meet an angry bear.

  2. One can only hope this IS a harbinger of change next year!

  3. The strategy is working. Fight from the bottom up. School Boards, Town, District, and Gubernatorial elections are the way to rebuild a base far from the beltway and swamp's influence. Local politics matter again. The TV and Social Media Pundits can screech but they have little influence at elections fought by locals on local issues. It is not about organizing a political insurrection. It is about organizing a political insurgency. Just make sure it is steadfastly moral. Take the high ground and hold it.

  4. NFO, I'll take an electoral bloodbath over a different bloodbath any day.

  5. When the Braves were playing the Astros and President Trump arrived, the chants of "Let's go Brandon" deafened the stadium. It was the same in Los Angeles in the run-up to the pennant, every time the "let's go Dodgers" music was played, the crowd shouted, "Let's go Brandon".

    I think that people are tired of these fools who would be king.

  6. My only fear is that the Democrats go full Bill Clinton and pretend their moderates to win the midterms.

    The Democrats are relentless and will do anything to hold onto power.

  7. So if you're white, can you also be a domestic terrorist if your one of the alphabet people? (lgbtsdkjlfgsgkdjn), or moslem vermin, or pedophile, or democrat, or feminist. Man this is getting confusing.

  8. The death throes of the Clinton political machine are glorious to see.

  9. Fat lot of good Stacey Abrams did in Virginia, eh?

  10. Too much to hope that Winsome Sears will be the next Governor? Keep on fasting and praying y'all!

  11. This is really weird, WSF. Parents, who don't hate anyone, much, seem to dislike their children being told they're hateful because of the color of their skin. What utter racists.

    Good strategy, Dems.

  12. Ed, #LGB.

    It's almost like a... like a GRASS ROOTS movement.


  13. I sure hope so, NFO. But we're in weird territory, let the reader understand.

  14. Great call, Anon. Well said.

    "grass roots" wasn't flippant...

  15. Right with you on the bathing scenario, Ed.

  16. And it seems, LL, that our demented octogenarian king has no clothes.

    How long can our corrupt, elite, mendacious, smug, lying, aggressive, hypocritical, pharisaic, godless media keep running cover?

    Let's see.

  17. Infidel, if I didn't know better I'd say you weren't in favor of liturgical dance.

  18. It's... labyrinthine, Kid.

    And what to do? A POC from Pakistan throws a TERF and a TRANS off a building in Tower Hamlets. If no one watches it on BBC does anybody hit the ground?

    Zen, eh?

  19. Oh my, WWW, I'd quite forgotten. Just who is this "Stacey"? Obviously a vote multiplier, except it wasn't.

  20. Good call, DOS!

    BTW, whatever happened to the fasting rules? No one keeps them, but Christ clearly says otherwise.

    I keep the Weds/Friday fast, which is a kind of tokenism. But hey, Rome wasn't built in a day.
