Monday, October 11, 2021

Columbus Day


The same people who love obedience masks, enforced vaccines which don't vaccinate you, trans bathrooms, labeling parents who care about their kids' education "domestic terrorists" and on, also hate Christopher Columbus, as they hate all our cultural heroes. This makes me want to love him.

He was, after all, a great explorer and navigator who boldly went where no man, pretty much, had been before. Piri Reis and Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings aside, Columbus was breaking new ground when he set sail. Not unlike, when you think of it, space exploration today. No small thing to sail an uncharted Atlantic. Bold stuff.

So here at the Compound we celebrated with lunch at Montes Mexican diner. The Specialist ordered a hearty plate of Pinta Brisket Gorditas and I stuck with traditional Santa Maria Huevos Rancheros. Tasty as you like and then some, all washed down with strong Nina Covfefe. 

Then it was time to drive to Fort Hood and back again, a bold, courageous exercise in navigating I35 and the personally uncharted territories of Waco. A journey of exploration if you like, and not bad for it.

But seriously, put yourself in the place of Columbus, sailing off into the unknown. Driven by ambition and the hope of gain, yes; after all, who doesn't want to be Governor of, ahem, Cuba. But also by adventure, perhaps the sheer life and death risk of the thing. And for him, at least, faith in the Savior he served, albeit imperfectly. 

That in mind, it's a good day to celebrate and if our trending tofu Maoists don't like it, too bad. They can speak to the monkey.




  1. Most important is CC was Italian! Go, Wops!

    I asked my next door neighbor (a Puyallup Indian - pronounced pew-al-up) if he preferred "Indian" or "Native American." He looked at me like I had lost my mind and said, "Well, we call ourselves Indians." End of story.

    Another friend in Minnesota just moved up to the rez by Cass Lake, and she was okay with "indigenous day" since she was Indian.) I didn't tell her that insulted all the Italians. Sigh...

    1. Your neighbor sounds very sensible, Adrienne. Unlike the crazed, demented, smug, shrieking, totalitarian Left.

  2. There's nothing wrong with a bit of obedience, LSP...

  3. Whatever Juliette says then.

    Agree on Columbus. No trivial task.

  4. Go through McGregor and North Fort Hood. Miss Temple and Killeen, see more of the post.
