Monday, October 18, 2021

Buttigeig Redux



Keen-eyed readers, all three of you, might remember a weirdly disturbing photo of our transport supremo in a hospital bed, holding a baby and looking at another man, also holding a baby. You'd be forgiven for thinking they were blasphemously mimicking something holy, a mother and her husband overjoyed at the birth of a child.

One glance tells you it's all wrong, there is no mother, there is no birth, nothing to warrant a hospital bed. This thing is a fake, an affair of the mind and a blasphemous parody.  But pay attention to detail, here's Katherine:

I've finally discovered what bothers me the most about that photo of these two guys and the babies. It's about them, not the children! They're gazing into each other's eyes, and the swaddled babies are props. Any new mother, in a similar photo, besides looking very tired, will be looking at her child!


Yes, it's all about them. Pride, gentlemen and gentlewomen, comes before a fall. We can imagine the magnitude of the approaching collapse. 




  1. That idiot on the left actually has some hospital like identification crap on his wrist. Like they were/he was Admitted. And, how many people are running around that bought this story hook, line, and sinker.

    Hey, I actually eAposed myself to a vid of a trans 'male to female' trying to breast feed a baby that his trans 'female to male' (with a beard) who actually had the kid, lying in a bed together as a married it and it. Hoping to never see something like that again. God help these kids.

  2. Reminds me Emperor Polis (CO) has a male spouse and they have adopted male children.

  3. God is cringing at the view of this insanity promoted as normal.

  4. Ugh is right. Pewsterspouse spotted the hospital bed fake right away. I feel so bad for the poor babies. They deserve real parents not these two posers.

  5. Excellent point! And yes, a fall IS coming...

  6. As someone with newborn twins at home, Katherine is spot on with her astute observation. My wife and I are forever looking at the kids, not at each other.

    Side note - here in Ireland (that semi-socialist Utopia) I got 2 weeks of paternity leave, which I happily took to help my wife out with the never-ending feeds and diaper changes that comes with twins. What the heck is Mayor Pete doing with over 2 months (!!) of paternity leave? If you don't get that in Europe how the heck are you getting it as a cabinet position?

    Pete changes diapers while the supply chain burns.

  7. Bob, it's insane beyond outrageous. And right, note the fakey hospital wrist tag.


  8. I fear a great judgement, Paul.

    He broke our speech at Babel, and now our minds.

  9. It's mindbendingly awful, pewster. What blasphemous mountebanks.

  10. I don't see how it can't, NFO. This is getting off-hook.
