Friday, September 3, 2021



One of the things we love about America's elite rulers is the way they've led us to success and prosperity over the past few decades. It's not as though they've been traitorously asset-stripping the land for personal gain or anything like that. Here, have a look.

Gary Indiana. You'll note how much better things are now, far more prosperous. As in, a lot. Everyone's standard of life, from civic environment on down is so much better.

You see how we're so much more prosperous now that the experts are in charge. And what about Detroit. Check out this typical Motor City school:

The Kakistocracy's done well, clearly. But maybe you're not convinced. Here's another school, back before trans bathrooms improved the curriculum.


Stunning, isn't it. But seriously, how have we allowed a gang of crooks, mountebanks, grifters, profiteers and corrupt clowns to run our country, destroy our cities and with it, the lives of our people, especially the poor. And here's the rub. 

The very people who say they're about "lifting up the oppressed" are the ones looting them. But don't worry, at least you'll be able to get a sex-change on the public dime as you collect your welfare.

Arduus Ad Solem,



  1. "...on the public dime as you collect your welfare.".

    I think you just answered your own question. Welfare money replaced fathers, leading to generations "entitled" to OPM (Other People's Money). I am reminded of this quote--

    “When we take away from a man his traditional way of life, his customs, hi religion, we had better make certain to replace it with

    ― Robert Ruark, Something Of Value

    --and the movie of the same title. The welfare system buys their votes, and leaves them with nothing of value.

  2. It is the same in the UK. Destroy real industries, real communities and real identities. Replace them with low-wage service jobs subsidized by state benefits, dysfunctional multicultural ghettos filled with fatherless criminal gangs constantly at war and enforce by Law fake identities that require pronouns. Asset strip everything and throw heritage in the river. A terrible reckoning is coming - the tide goes out and the tide comes in.

  3. Section 8 and all that nonsense about how they will 'civilize' if we only put them in nice areas. Yea, the democrats and why can't people understand who they are. They're as transparent as glass.

    This is inner-city everywhere except for where they super rich democrats live. They not gonna stands for dat so dey gets their personal delta force - the cops - to keep out the riff raff.

    I understand the terminally dependent but the people living in the burbs ? If you want to rib someone of their hard earned money step one is to make them feel guilty. Racism, Climate, Environment in general, Oppressed women, Oppresses anyone, .... le sigh.

    PS - Man, Australia sure is fubar'd now that everyone is disarmed.

  4. That's art philosophy, that is.

    Nothing good can ever come from anything called Gary.

  5. Kid. They are attempting nation building in the inner city.
    Like Afghanistan.

  6. Facebuch blocked my linking Wreckers, saying you violate community standards. I don't know whose community adopted facebuch standards, but it sure as heck isn't mine. As has happened before, I wrote around facebuch and posted the link at my bloggy thingy, sgtbobittai.

  7. Just like Karl Marx, “progressives” have never understood human nature. If you own something, you’ll have pride in ownership. Get something for nothing, and you don’t give a darn about it. Years ago, I was amazed by the similarities comparing US subsisted housing with the housing projects outside Moscow. So, I concluded that if that’s part of the leftist’s brochure for progressivism — no thanks. But those brochures make a good case for arguing racism and sustaining the Marxist war against middle-class America. The only problem is, they had first to create the slums to make their case, which they were happy to do, and they’ve been using blacks as their valuable idiots since long before I was born. Well, I suppose it works, so ...

  8. Ed, I don't think it's as much attempting as accomplishing.

  9. RHT, that other thing Ruark said: USE ENOUGH GUN! Good advice all.

    Ruark was a commissioned gunnery orificer on convoy duty in the Atlantic and Med during WWII, btw.

  10. I thought you'd appreciate the art philos, Juliette.

    Then there's Gary, ahem, Gareth...

  11. WEll said, RHT, and Ruark's value.

  12. It's weird, Anon. It's almost as though we're ruled by the SAME people, trans Atlantic and all, or would that be transnational.

    Their net result? Destruction. Their Father, of course, was a "murderer from the beginning."

  13. "This is inner-city everywhere except for where they super rich democrats live" -- well said, Kid.

    As for Australia/NZ? Good luck, people, on your island prisons of Stalinism. Canada's doing a little better, but they're next to us and can't get away with the whole deal. Maybe.

  14. Well said, NFO. And what a disgrace, we had all these prosperous little towns and large cities. Now they're wastelands with plastic sided suburbs about to follow suit.

  15. Good call, Ed, and look how well that turned out. What a gang of traitors, at every level.

  16. Must check out your blog, Sgt. Forgive lack of attention!

  17. It's right disturbing, Mustang. I don't see how this doesn't end up in a train wreck.
