Saturday, September 18, 2021

March Of The Morons


Biden, aka "The Corpse" is the most popular President ever, say morons. That in mind, I liked the Corpse's magic protective circles, like pentagrams but round, offering precisely zero protection to the unseen forces of evil. Have a look at the photo and do the alchemical math of moronicity.

S'up, boys? Off to a "nightclub"?

Then there's the great INSURRECTION of all those people who dared to question the US' time honored if moronic tradition of voter fraud. Good thing we put up barbed wire around the Capitol to protect our selfless pols from a faked up, moronic PR stunt today! Said every moron.

Note Commie Chorus and Masked Skirt Serf

But look at this. A socialist on a paltry 174k a year goes to a Met Gala event wearing a 30k dress, only to sit at a 200k+ table. She is unmasked, obviously, being a Democrat Elite, but her male maid isn't. He lifts her your-years-salary-skirts as a chorus of adoring commies cheer her on. Don't say moron, say follow the science.


OK, it does look a lot like moronism, but note. AOC's flashing an Imperial German Army salute. Is she a DAARPA construct, recruited by some dark money intel agency we will never, ever hear about? Is she /our girl, a White Hat, as opposed to a mere white dressed emblem of the ascendant moronocracy? Mysterium.

As always, you the reader be the judge,



  1. Still a bar slut; just working more expensive bars.

  2. FBI - No beards, no tattoos and identical sunglasses.

    Also I hear AOC's 'Tax the Rich' dressmaker owes a lot of Tax and is an exploitative employer.

    Moronic indeed.

  3. America will be cursed with AOC for decades to come. It's a safe Democratic seat. And if she decides to primary Schumer she will win and then become a senator for decades. (New York State being a solid blue state). Well, no not really. No one outside of New York City, Albany, Syracuse, Buffalo and Rochester vote Democrat. But that's just enough numbers-wise to create a permanent communist/socialist majority in this imprisoned state.

  4. watch this video of Capital police in full riot gear "arrest" a protester, listen to them as they find out he is "undercover", even put his gun back in his pocket. IDIOTS


    forgot to post link. idiot (me)

  6. We have to wonder, WSF, is she a "hire"?

  7. Who did wardrobe for those boys, Anon? Sorry, unpleasant question.

  8. What a disaster, Infidel. Maybe people will leave it and then we can join together in quarantining it from the rest of the country, along with Austin and San Francisco and...

  9. Saw that, Egyptian. What an utter scam.

    Good to see you back btw, hope all's well.
