Wednesday, September 8, 2021

How Dare They!


As brave and daring street artists were celebrating the death of a fentanyl overdose thug and his resurrection as an angel, the US Embassy was flying rainbow flags and NGO's were busy teaching the merits of art in the toilet. In Afghanistan. Wow, the stupid runs deep, and behold the utter genius of our secular power in winning over the hearts and minds of the people they'd occupied, by force. 


As in, "Now look here, tribespersyns, gender's a construct and isn't it about time we woke up to the global struggle to end systemic racism? And love Dadaism? You know, urinals in art? And by the way, you'd better agree or we'll drone you out of existence, you barbaric serfs."

Quite. You see the hooves of the unicorn stamp deep, and the Taliban, which we've just spent Trillion$ defeating, are now in power. Make of that what you will.

Erase Stoopid

In the meanwhile, some people have become even richer than they already were, private jet upgrades all 'round. But Angel Floyd's muriel has been washed over in Kabul. 

It seems our new allies in Central Asia don't count him as a saint, they don't feel George "Fentanyl" Floyd represents them. How could that be, it's almost as though they don't appreciate our obviously superior culture.  

Really Stoopid. Note Cunte Kinte Scarves

How dare they. Maybe we need to go back in and teach those evil, binary, sexist, cisgender thugs a lesson. How dare you paint over a George Floyd muriel. He was a saint, and an angel.

In the meanwhile, every time a two-bit fentanyl thug grows his wings, a Taliban fires a shot in celebration. Watch that tracer.




  1. Also in the meanwhile, it's all a larf, right up until Sharia law--

  2. Even with the Taliban, there is something to like.

  3. George Floyd has little appeal to the Afghans, who are less than fond of all American negroes. I know that it's racist to suggest it, but the Afghans consider them a race of slaves. Women are chattel there. It's very woke.

  4. LL beat me to it, as usual... The ONLY reason they would mourn Floyd is they lost a GOOD customer...

  5. But LL, are you criticizing our new allies in Central Asia? Surely not. Regardless, report yourself immediately.

  6. Now that, NFO, is a very good point.

  7. On the other hand, perhaps they gained some new customers, I betcha.

    Ooopsie! Bad think! I better go report myself.

  8. The Taliban probably didn't even post a black or rainbow square on their social media accounts, which makes them monsters. Orange Man Bad can't post rainbows, black squares, or commie fists on social media, because he was kicked off of all of them for mean tweets. I suppose "Death to America" is not nearly as bad as calling somebody dumb on Twitter.

  9. WWW! I'm surprised you'd make such an error!
