Thursday, September 2, 2021

Cultural Enrichment


Did you know that America spent at least $787 million on "gender programs" in Afghanistan? You have to admire the sheer audacity of the plan. Confront these poor, deluded, medieval, peasant Mohammedans with the all the glory of Harvard, Satan's Vatican itself. 

You know the score, pride month, gender quotas in government and army, Dadaism, the very beauty of post-modern Western art, and watch this tribal country in Central Asia become a veritable Holland on the Hindu Kush.

Here at the Compound we feel this infovideo says it all. It's short but informative, some say you can tell when the war was lost at the 31 second mark:

Special, don't you think? Roughly translated, "Now look here, Muslimas, this is very important art in the West, of a toilet.  I don't expect you to know this, but I was educated at Oxford and deddy's an Irish peer, he goes to Brooks, so pay attention."

Words fail. Read this.

Dear God,



  1. Did we do more harm than good in our time in Afghanistan? It's a question worth asking since we spent over $2 trillion there.

  2. Who would have guessed the downfall of America would be from woke-ism. Well, most people who aren't woke that is.

  3. Tsk, tsk. Can't have the military/industrial complex scooping up all the loose cash, can we?

  4. Ask yourself
    Who came up with the idea to try teaching the unnatural to the uncivilized?
    Who proposed it? Who agreed and authorized it? WHO GOT PAID to send people over there?
    It's just so much of a money laundering operation and a mechanism to get taxpayer dollars.

  5. Imagine the people who thought this money, along with millions more to Pakistan for similarly labeled money laundering (an who knows where else in vermin-land actually will somehow make the world a better place. You know there's a bunch of em.

  6. That's a really good question, LL. At least we taught them that toilet art is really important.

    I tell you, I'm revolted at every level.

  7. It's really weird, Infidel, but the Afghan tribes didn't embrace the drone strike rainbow. Far out.

  8. But WSF, we can't have the rainbow lacking for funds, can we!

  9. Exactly, Justin. WHO GOT PAID? I can think of several... The whole thing is beyond outrageous.

  10. Bob, well said. People BELIEVED this garbage.

    Mindbending. You'll note I flipped to space techno aliens in the Hackney Marshes in the follow up post...
