Sunday, August 22, 2021

Farewell to Kings?

I'm all in favor of Kings, being a 12th level Monarchist, but if kingship's lost its savour, when the people have lost their faith in it, then anointed monarchy's days are clearly numbered. The same goes for our new corporate sponsored, technocrat, managerial elite. They've shown themselves to be utterly, stupendously incompetent and unfit to rule anything, much less prosecute a war. As such, the King, embarrassingly, has no clothes. 

Check this out, via Splendid Isolation:

The managerial class increasingly appears as a sort of funhouse mirror inversion of the doomed russian nobility of the late tsarist era; they no longer know how to run a country and only seem to parasitize on the body politic while giving almost nothing of value in return. In tsarist Russia, the nobility proved increasingly incapable of winning Russia’s wars or running its ministries, making their legitimating narratives proclaiming them to possess some natural-born right and capacity for rulership increasingly impossible to believe in. In modern America, it is the meritocrats who now openly lack any merit or ability to rule, quickly undermining the ability of the average person to believe in the very foundational claims behind the managerial order. And by what right does the collective of non-divine kings rule? To borrow from Schmitt: by the same right as the collective of stupid and ignorant technocrats. In other words, by virtue of simply not having been replaced yet. Nothing more.


In modern America, it is the meritocrats who now openly lack any merit or ability to rule, quickly undermining the ability of the average person to believe in the very foundational claims behind the managerial order. 

Right there in the X Ring and then some. Do yourself a big favor and read the whole thing here. Excellent. But here's a cheery Sunday cartoon in the meanwhile.

Prescient, don't you think? But not to worry, it's just a cartoon and an old(?) one at that. So move along, nothing to see here, maskserfs.

Your Pal,



  1. The plan has been around a long time. Since they took over education in the 70's, they now have enough people stupid and weak (or dependent) enough to foist it on.

    Shut down the country for a virus with a 99.x % survival rate??

    Now that they've hammered small business, their tax plan is to increase taxes on small business. Gee, they lied about that too. (Word is they put 40% of small business out of business permanently.). I wonder what the SBA is up to these days beside coke and hookers...

    George Carlin too - *** LANGUAGE *** in this one

    I think there is some jaw dropping evil on its way the next 3 years - at least.

  2. The US Dollar is a Ponzi scheme but an 800 lb gorilla on the world stage. Whatever awe the rest of the world held the USA, that has been pissed away. Looming total economic collapse?

  3. The cartoon is a clever forgery.

    I am opposed to kings and those who would seat one.

  4. What a massive get rich scheme, Kid. Evil barreling down the pike? I'd say so.

  5. NFO, I'd say the article's one of the better things I've read on this.

  6. Terrifying prospect, WSF, and I don't see how it's avoidable at this rate. Mind you, I'm no expert, but still.

  7. Kings are great, Ed, until they're not. But check out the article, good stuff.

  8. A British army colonel was interviewed last night by Mark Levin and he said that Biden should not be impeached, he should be court-martialed for what he has done to America and to its military and its citizens.

  9. The only good king would LSP, you'd fare very well under the New Order (name picked for its Star Wars relevance) as the minister of this or that, Old NFO has SECDEF locked up, WSF would run the secret police and EdB the propaganda ministry because of his broadcasting job.

    There you go, problem solved.

  10. I saw that, Julie. Well said, that man.

  11. Mr. LL, I know you'd make a good King, this goes without saying. But hold on. Your specific skills do say "Dzerzhinsky." Surely this means State Security? But what am I saying, before you could say "COVID Passport" Juliette would be in charge.

    That adjustment aside, yes: WSF as your 2IC, "All we're after is the TRUTH," NFO as SECDEF, clearly, and EdB would get the message out.

    Me? A kind of Mazarin meets Colonel of Ireg. Light Horse? Hmmmmm. Minister at Large.

    Forgive the ramble but it's important we get the command structure sorted, obvs.
