Monday, August 2, 2021

Catch Of The Day


What is this iridescent little fish, some sort of tropical mini bass? Whatever, I caught three of them this morning and ferocious little beasts they were too. And now that memory serves, you can find them swimming along the urban creeks of Dallas. I say urban, they're patches of untamed brush and worth exploring, typically in East Dallas.

Mystery fish aside, the rest were Bluegill and full of light rod, drag out fun. Here's the thing, even a medium sized perch seems like Leviathan on a light rod, and all the more sport for it.

So yes, the bite was on for an hour or so around Noon, and big fun. Then the famous Texan wind picked up, clouds rolled in from the North and it began to rain. I stood there, resolute, against the gathering storm, catching fish. Next time I'll keep some back.

Off topic, but have you noticed our rulers backing away from PCR tests? You know, the same tests which told us we were all going to die and mysteriously didn't? The tests which changed an election and made how many billions for Pharma's bought and paid shills in Congress and beyond. The tests, let the reader understand, which established the pandemic in the first place.

They're unreliable, not to be trusted, the CDC itself says so. That in mind, take your vax, you serf, and count yourself lucky you're not in a SuperMax.

Fish On,



  1. Bluegill are good eating, just need a LOT of them. Yeah, interesting re the testing... What test are they using to determine it's Delta variant??? The ONLY one I found was a Roche test that isn't approved yet...

  2. Middle son called with news Emperor Polis has decreed masks again because of the spread of the "Delta" variant at his work. He is not a happy camper having one ahead and got vaccinated.

  3. If the first fish'd had red eyes, I would have said goggle-eye. Texas Parks and Wildlife says green sunfish.
    And yes, a mess of them and bluegill would definitely make a nice fish fry.

    Louisiana governor just said everyone has to mask up again. I say no. Unless I have to go to the doctor or my hubby insists. It annoys me a bit when he does that because - Head of the house and all.

    God bless, Parson!

  4. When you called yesterday and told me that you just returned from fishing - and received good news, I didn't get a catch report.

    It's good that I swung by the blog for the down-and-dirty.

    In the past, I have used bluegill and perch to drop into a hole when I'm planting a tree or a bush. I realize that those who enjoy eating them will berate me, but that does work to make trees flourish.

  5. I have two trade shows to set up display and crew the booth this month, one back east starting this weekend and the other mid-south toward the end of the month. To say I'm annoyed as all get out at the prospect of the polly-anna-wanna-be grubbie-nators bringing back the masks again would be a massive understatement.

    Let my people go!

    Don't think I've ever lived where there were green sunfish/perch, but goggle-eye, yes. But they've never been plentiful anywhere I lived. They like to live under rocks, if I recall correctly.

  6. Avoid it, Mr. NFO, like the plague itself.

  7. Mask up, WSF. You must obey your rulers.

  8. But Linda, you must obey your rulers.

  9. The thing is, LL, Bluegill can be fun to catch and good to eat.

    Well done, nourishing Ygdrasil.

  10. 99% sure that little fish is a Warmouth. Aptly named as you mentioned, cause they fight like a much larger fish. They are members of the sunfish/bream family, but have shorter (dorsal to abdomen), wider (side to side) bodies, and large mouths for their size. Ive caught them in KY, TN, and here in GA.

    I never knew what they were until river fishing with a GA country boy nearly 20 years ago. We were bass fishing with appropriate lures, but those little fish will strike lures much larger than you`d imagine.

  11. LL, Any fish makes good fertilizer. And if you don't catch enough to eat, then that's a good use for them. :)

  12. I am fed up with the stupids, our betters who still do not believe we voted for Trump for any reason other than we are the stupids and for the same reason many deny the vaxx. I've had both of some kind because my wife puts up with enough calling an ambulance for collapses and other things. When she told me the date of our vaxxes, I replied, "Okay."

  13. Anon, good call! Another Georgia man confirms. Fierce little beasts.

  14. Linda, we're going out on Friday. Objective? Catch a lot of fish and fry 'em up.

  15. Sgt., sometines it's best to say yes. I understand this.

  16. Sarthurk, I just read my response to your helpful comment and thought, "That was rude, so-called 'LSP'." Apologies! But I think it's a kind of perch...

  17. Good luck, Parson! God bless! :)

  18. Late to the party, but I'm thinking your mystery fish is a "pumpkinseed" -- based on the blue iridescent streaks. (As a Michigan boy I'd never heard of the warmouth. So I lernt sumpin either way today.)

    Anyway, I'm no fish expert, but: blue streaks.
