Saturday, August 28, 2021

A Short Sermon


 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Eph. 6:12)

My eldest's back in town on a weekend pass from the rigors of III Corps signals, which means we're grilling. What a great result, just hamburgers, nice and easy. Blue wishes he had a burger too, but he doesn't. He's done nothing to deserve such a thing, much less pay for it. Then again, he is a dog and a socialist.

And tomorrow we consider, in the Epistle, the armor of God, truth, righteousness, salvation, peace and faith. What are these but the qualities of Christ himself? In urging us to arm up, the Apostle is saying "put on Christ." Therein lies invincible protection against all the "fiery darts of the enemy."

Strong in this divine armament, take up the sword of the spirit, the fiery love of the Word of God and advance to contact, steadfast, sure, firm, resolute in the victory which is Christ's.

Sermon over. As you were,



  1. I'm quite sure Blue will pay you Tuesday.

  2. "Strong in this divine armament,...".

    Indeed, especially when backed up by Texas BBQ. Huzzah to you and the young trooper.

    Small world. Our oldest's birthday is today. It was more convenient for all to celebrate yesterday at his house. His tradition is to make food for everyone on his birthday, so he started at 6:00 a.m. smoking 18lbs of brisket. Also made pepper poppers stuffed with cream and cheese wrapped in bacon, and Mac-n'-cheese with a topping of crushed Cheez-Its. Let all that drift on the breeze, and the minions of evil go weak in the knees. We shall yet prevail.

  3. Dear LSP, do you floors and the elder puppydog a favor and get the nails trimmed, a tad too longish. Hope your whole crew has/had a great weekend and even nicer week ahead.

  4. Kid, for a socialist in solidarity with the oppressed everywhere, Blue sure expects the good life.

    I suspect his "I'm poor, downtrodden and starving!" act is just that, an act.

  5. RHT, a good grill out helps every time. And congrats on the birthday celeb. Yum, brisket, and poppers!

    The Legions of Hell retreat in confusion.

  6. Most excellent Terrapod, I was thinking the very same thing, "Get the pup's nails trimmed." So I will. And the weekend was good; grilling, Mass then a drive to Ft. Hood, which impresses me. Quite a base.

    Have a great week!
