Saturday, July 10, 2021

Utter Disaster

The kid didn't get through Terminal B this morning because of insufficient Canadian id. You know, copies of his citizenship card, mother's birth certificate, Alberta Health Services card etc. weren't sufficient. No, sorry, can't come in. 

What? You say in amazed wonder. Hold that thought, here's the thing. Fully vaxxed Canadians with Canadian id can enter Canada. Anyone else can't, even if they're fully vaxxed. Why? Because science, because COVID. You see, a Canadian passport functions as a VIRAL SHIELD unlike a US passport, which most evidently doesn't.

Net result of this two-bit chicanery? My eldest son and soldier can't go home to visit his mother, brother and sister, whom he hasn't seen for a year and a half. He was a bit upset about that, so to make it up I put down some smoke and we ate burgers. This helped. 

I tell you this, there is a special place in Hell for the people who've foisted this wickedness upon us.




  1. How ridiculous. Utterly.

    Still, today you can watch England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 win the European cup.

  2. SO sorry, LSP to learn of the injustice done to your son by the ignorami in Canada! Sure hop he can see his family sooner than later....

  3. You’d think the airlines would do better when soldiers are getting a ride home. Total Bravo Sierra…feel for you, and him.

  4. Canada is the new Albania. Except Albania is free now.

  5. So sad to learn of this. Hope this crazy situation changes soon.

  6. A Soldier's life is a hard life. But there is instruction in this, for the Soldier.

    This is exactly why Soldiers are necessary for freedom to survive. The minions of Myrmidon will not be driven from the land by angry girls waving posters, nor will
    they suddenly see the light, unless and until, the Soldier forces them to give up.

    Forces them to give up. As it always was, so it is yet.

    A true soldier serves his people, an automaton serves the Power, oppressing his own people. It is ultimately the Soldier who frees his people. All the rhetoric in the world is for nought. It wasn't talk that drove the Persians from Greece, stopped the Ottomans at Lepanto, or took back Europe from the Nazis.

    We are truly sorry Troop didn't get to see his kin, but, A Soldier's life is a hard life.

  7. Ah, Canada. The socialist workers paradise all Americans envy.

  8. "the true north strong and free".


  9. Sadly, I'm not surprised at the BS he encountered... I feel for him and the rest of the family. Concur with Anon... dammit...

  10. What a screwed up country. And Justine will get "elected" again. Who doesn't think that's fraud....

  11. I'd say how I really feel about this, but I won't curse on Lone Star Parson's blog!

    So sorry to hear this, Parson. My heart goes out to you and your family. Just more proof that the :free" world is under heavy attack.

  12. Juliette, it's bizarre. I like the way the vax is so very, very important but doesn't stop you from getting or spreading the deadly virus that Texas and Florida is fortunately immune to. Of course if you have a Canadian passport you're ok. We should all get citizenship, eh?

  13. Me too, Joy! But I think it'll be next year, let's see.

  14. To be fair, Paul, AA did their best. The Canadian Gov? Not so much.

  15. That, Ed, is a very good point. Because "science." And remember when we had a free press and religion unlike, say, Russia? That repellent Marxist worm's on the turn.

  16. Thanks, WSF. Will Canada become the new Hermit Kingdom? With a rainbow flag, obviously.

  17. Anon, well said. I'll be sure to pass that on.

  18. Because, Infidel, it's so very, very rainbow awesome.

  19. I think it was, back in the day, WWW. Of course that was before the thudding hooves of the Unicorn pounded out from Toronto and Vancouver to subdue the Dominion.

  20. I wasn't either, NFO, it was a bit of a long shot. Still, bad for the kid. Anon's right on, imo.

  21. Exactly, Kid. Justine's got it for life unless something drastic happens.

  22. Thanks, Adrienne, I appreciate that. But he's made a good come back and who knows, maybe, by Providence, some kind of bad bullet was dodged. Anyway, we'll check in with the consulate in Dallas tomorrow and see if something can't be sorted.

  23. Ain't that the truth, drjim!

  24. What an absolute crock. Clearly those occupying high political office in North America are bat poop evil. I'm with drjim, I won't go off here, but I will post a link that accurately expresses my sentiment. Pass this on to the young trooper with my compliments--

  25. The Canadians are utter prats. A good friend of ours lives in NYC and her sister flies for the RAF and is stationed in Canada for a couple of years (they're both Scottish). Our NY friend got her paperwork together and was planning on flying up to spend a month with her sister as Canada allowed in "close family" - no go. She got to the airport and was denied because, according to the Canucks, siblings aren't close family for their purposes. As you can imagine, she was devastated. Stupid hosers.

  26. I shared the link, RHT. Big approval all round :)

  27. Sorry to hear that, T. Such a nightmare, and the Canadians seem to think it's all well and good. Beyond bizarre.

    Took your CZ out for a spin today, shot well!
