Wednesday, July 21, 2021

I'm Covid Confused


Would That be a Carbon Spewing Private  Charter Jet?

I'm confused, Covid confused. We've been bombarded, especially by Democrats, with a barrage of wearing masks is very important because it protects us and others from the deadly Bat Bug. In fact, it's so important that it's federally mandated for air travel. 

Wear a mask or die or kill your loved one, runs the compelling line. Same with getting vaxxed. Get that salvation vax or you'll get the Kung Flu and die, you might even kill someone else in the process. It's like a civic duty.

If Only

That in mind, why did a crew of Democrats fly from Texas to DC without masks and why have six(?) of them, despite being fully vaxxed, come down with the China Virus? That doesn't make any sense, do you see my confusion? 

I don't men to be obtuse, but if masks were important, as the Democrat Mile High Club insists they are, how come they aren't all masked up? Strange, right. And if the all important vax works, how come vaxxed people, see Israel and Democrat jetsetters et al, get the deadly disease despite burning incense on the altar of Big Pharma?


It's strange, isn't it. Let's rephrase the conundrum with a riddle. If anthropocentric climate change is so deadly as to melt ice caps and flood the coastal regions of fragile planet earth, why are the champions of the green crusade buying seafront mansions.

Appalling Bad Taste

Could it be that our elite transnational overlords know something we can only guess at? Don't say Soylent Green. In the meanwhile, mask up, vax up, and OBEY.

Your Old Friend,



  1. I’m not confused. It’s a virus. The panic is a scam, ‘Chicken Little’ being played out in real time. Always remember, ‘pandemic’ is a ‘dem’ in the midst of ‘panic’ !

  2. NEVER Give Up! NEVER Surrender!

    I reminded of a great speech, where beaches, fields, streets and hills were mentioned....

  3. Wear your mask, take the shot even if it leaves you sterile, and obey, slave. That's all I have to say on the matter.

  4. Remember way back in the distant ancient past
    (Over a year ago!)
    The Big Concept was "Herd Immunity"
    It was the idea that once a certain percentage of the population either recover from the infection OR are immunized, then the danger is over as there are simply not enough open vectors to continue transmitting the disease.
    Remember way back in ancient history when the "Experts" proclaimed that "Herd Immunity" would be reached when we got to 65-70%.
    Well, now that our Abusive Public Servants have found out just how much fun they can have with unlimited Emergency Powers thanks to the China Virus Panic...
    It seems now, ANY mention of "Herd Immunity" is scoffed at...
    As we are now past 80% immunity...

    "The CDC “estimates about 35% of all Americans have been infected with COVID-19 over the last year.” Even with some overlap between those previously infected and those vaccinated, 80 to 90 percent of Americans have either natural or vaccination immunity to the Chinese coronavirus.
    Whatever happened to the basic concept of herd immunity? The media refuses to discuss it as suddenly this basic concept of immunology is now QAnon or white supremacist conspiracy theory."

    MSG Grumpy

  5. Get your head right LSP!
    You haven't had your daily required dose of Kool-Aid,, so of course you are confused.

  6. Now that, Anon, is a good point well made. I especially like the etymology aspect, nice one.

    What a shameless, brazen, literally in/on your face scam.

  7. WELL SAID drjim! And for sure, what a great speech.

  8. You're right, LL. We must obey our overlords and be grateful in doing so.

  9. Good link, Grumpy. Herd immunity? Well that's a dangerous conspiracy theory. Have you noticed how the science/truth completely changes every few months or so? Well, what can we expect from a generation of venal swine who've been taught that there is no such thing as truth.

    Satan is the Father of lies.

  10. Thank you, Ed. I will not make this mistake again.
