Monday, June 28, 2021

You Miserable Offender


Look at this miserable offender. Yes, a burned out front indicator bulb, Sylvania #3157A, which gave up the ghost on the way to Made-in-China-Mart, right as the heavens released a relentless barrage of rain.

Park up, test the turning signal, listen to its ADHT fast click, watch the rain pound down, look up the part on your handheld computing device, and then wade through the flood to the store. Find a replacement bulb, look at empty ammo shelves - who knows, maybe they'll magically fill up if you stare hard enough - and head over to groceries for supplies. After all, a man's gotta eat.

That in mind, it's a very good thing that "man does not live by bread alone" because the price of food's skyrocketed, especially steak. It's around 30% more expensive than it was a year ago; just imagine the price if there was any inflation. Well done, prog-left, corp-sponsored oligarchy, everything's more affordable now because it's way more expensive. Awesome work, Socialists.

Back at the Compound, the downpour slowed to a gentle rain and then stopped, so I took advantage of the lull to swap out the busted bulb. It's not hard on an '08 F150. Pop the hood, reach behind the headlight housing, turn the bulb fixture counterclockwise, pull it out, replace the bulb and return the thing to its rightful place. If the recalcitrant anarchist mutinies, pull the headlight unit and teach the beast who's boss, which I ended up doing, annoyingly.

One working front turn signal light later, it seems only right to celebrate this small but important victory with hamburgers. Steak would be better, but that's too pricey. Thanks a lot, commies.




  1. Meat is only for an occasional treat. You'll eat cricket paste, own nothing, and be happy.

  2. Stuck my hand right into a paper wasp nest, liberally supplied with wasps, while changing one of those out on my dodge PU.
    It hurt.

  3. If one is gone, the other may copy. Buy the two-pack.

  4. Currently messing around with the a/c o my 1995 Buick. A long term friend, who was a great mechanic until involved in a horrible car wreck (not his fault), gives me guidance over cell phones. Not the most efficient way but the price is right.

  5. Had one go out after two years and only 12k or so miles on the 2012 Tundra. Easy to replace. Bought a different brand. That went bad after 2 days. Bought LED lamps as replacements and they've been in there ever since but because of the low draw, I have the hyperflash now. The LEDs came with resistors to install but I haven't got around to it yet.
    I may decide I like the hyperflash. Standard signals are like Let.. me.. In.. Please.. while the hyperflash are more like LemmeInLemmeInLEMMEIN. People seem to let me merge more quickly.

    If I happen to engage a useless ignorant libtard I only ask them how they like the higher prices of everything. That's always confuses them to the point of being speechless.

  6. Bill Gates suggests that you transition to artificial meat, made in his factory. Try that, slave, and though it might be Soylent Green, it also might just be a big hunk of semi-digestible plastic.

    You will eventually learn to love Big Brother, who would rather that you ride a bicycle than drive the truck - to SAVE THE PLANET.

  7. I've been buying the LED versions for my 2001 Ranger.
    It might last that long. :)

  8. I. AM. SO. JEALOUS!!! The rain! Oh, what I wouldn't give for a bit of rain right now. Today? 109° !! However, my broccoli is well watered as are my tomatoes and other stuff. Good grief - if I had known how easy broccoli was to grow I would have been doing it for eons.

    Meat? I've been enjoying ground bison from Imperfect Foods. Is not cheap, but waaaay cheaper than the grocery store, that is, if they even have it, which they usually don't. And this whole intermittent fasting thing keeps the grocery bill pretty dang low. All our religious forefathers were certainly on to something with fasting. Why didn't I pay more attention?

  9. Speaking of His Infernal Arrogance, Bill Gates: I was recently informed that an alarm horn is called a "hooter" in the U.K. Have you heard of this, Parson? L-L?

    Kinda feel like that just has to tie in with Gates somehow or another, although I'm not clear exactly how, but "hooter" just seems to fit him.

  10. LOL, my usual luck is it's NOT the bulb... sigh Find a good butcher shop, they are cheaper than most stores.

  11. If it wasn't for ACC (Adrienne) I wouldn't know of you. JCL Bless you both.

    This Tx weather isn't normal - neither is it in the rest of the states. What is being blamed on the plebs is due to sun and the earth's tilt. Only those greatly impact the jetstream. Yet the satellite radar with its strange long stagnant lines (not ground clutter) and flashes (not thermal bursts) isn't caused by anything normal... (nor the string satellites we witnessed NW of Big D nor the no-fly-zone in Alaska). Pardon my digression. Yes, we need more carbon dioxide (& methane and nitrogen) for more plants - for more food - for more people. But the growing population of earth is what "brighter blubs" among the true children of The Light have determined is the problem. But you know that... And B "gates of hell" knows it too.

    Come visit us. And keep getting ready.

  12. Nothing better than to be blessed by anonymous. God bless him too!

  13. Yes, Mike. We must obey our rulers.

    Didn't they kill Antoinette for cake? Shudder to think of the retribution for insect paste.

  14. Sorry to hear that, Anon. Tbh, I always watch for those little scorpions...

  15. Ritchie, that's exactly what I did. Wisdom.

  16. Good luck, WSF. MY a/c's still working, thank God.

  17. Hmmmm, hyperflash Tundra... I like that, Kid, and I've been looking at Tundras. A bit more pricey but nice trucks, have to say.

  18. Yes, LL. Only our elite rulers will have the privilege of automated transport. The serfs will ride bicycles and walk, while eating insect paste. Because CLIMATE CHANGE.

  19. Ed, I drove a '98 Ranger for the longest time. What a good little truck.

  20. Adrienne, 109!!! Ye Gods that's hot. I heard tonight that Calgary had climbed up to the same temp, which is absurdly hot for them or, to be honest, anyone. Still, no humidity, so they're spared that.

    Glad the garden's doing well and yes, fasting's important. It's in the Gospel but we tend to forget it, hmmmm.

  21. WWW, if the hat fits, wear it. Hooter it is.

    Bill "Hooter" Gates. A bit like John "Wooden Top" Kerry, when you think of it.

  22. The problem, NFO, is that there aren't any butcher shops in the country, unless I'm missing something, they're all in DFW/Waco. And that's weird, you'd think it'd be the reverse. Maybe I need to get better connected.

  23. Can't be too prepared, Anon.

    Good jetstream point, and then there's the Light Bearers. You'll note Baphomet's trans and hey, it's all fun and games 'til you wake up in a wicker man and it's on fire. In the meanwhile, let them eat Soylent Green and think themselves lucky it's only insects.

    God bless.

  24. fwiw - I'm happy wiht the Tundra. Like the 2012 more than the later models at least lookswise. Mine has the SR5 pkg. Paid 32 for it in 2012.

    Also fwiw - bought drilled and slotted brake discs/rotors with pads and all related parts $300 total from Amazon, brand was American Power I think. Had the local dealer install them while changing the oil and they said the parts were very high quality and also that I saved 800 clams by not buying the parts from them.

  25. Kid, I was looking at a truck with the SR5 pkg just the other day... looked good to me. In fact I'm tempted to buy in.

    Granted, a bit more expensive than a one fiddy but... better with it. Speaking of which, have you seen the ridic prices on used rigs?

  26. New cars apparently very scarce due to chip shortage. Used is what the dealers have to sell and they are in short supply too. Local dealer has been begging me to sell them my 2012. Not gonna.

  27. Don't blame you, Kid, hold onto that truck. I'm holding the fiddy, for now.
