Thursday, June 24, 2021

Out And About


Blue needed a flea pill and I needed to go to the range for remedial off-hand rifle practice. But how could two such very different goals meet as one? Easy, the vet's on the way to the range. So, yummy pill administered, off we went to the shooting gallery. Straight shot, as it were.

To be honest, I hadn't been there in some time, mostly because of the ammo shortage and because I've been able to shoot at JF's setup, which is far more awesome. Still, I like this little 100 yard shoot 'em up. Just you, the guns and the big Texan sky.

A Happy Blue

Blue liked it too, big time, and grinned away as I let a couple of steel turkeys know who was boss with a gas gun, aka deadly assault rifle. Take that, steel enemy. Then, after searching the shooting house for precious brass, we headed back to the Compound via a dolla cheeseburger at McDonalds. Yum, if nothing like a hamburger.

Big Sky. Note Battered Steel

That last bit's tradition. Love it, like it, scorn it, whatever, it's just the way it is. And I tell you this, readers, it felt good to get out in the clean country air of Texas and shoot. Blue agreed, as you can see.

Gun rights,



  1. Blue looks like he's lost a teeny bit of weight. Gud boi!

  2. A good day had by all. Hard to beat those.

  3. I used to have the best civilian job in the world, newspaper writing in Paris and covering Red River, some of Lamar, Delta, Fannin counties in Texas, Choctaw and part of McCurtain counties across the border in Oklahoma. Living in Florida now, and it's been some time since driving down a dirt/gravel/clay/sand road in NE Texas. I miss the stories, but not newspaper management.

  4. Was Blue Sky the recipient of said cheeseburger? Inquiring minds need to know.

  5. LOL, smiles all around! That's GOOD!

  6. Such a gud boi!, Adrienne. He's getting on now...

  7. Just a lot of fun, Kid. Must get out more often.

  8. Nice one, Sgt. As you know, the thing about writing is that it pays so well... hey, for some it does, granted. But you get the point. Whatev, I like getting off the track and it's all the better with a little shoot 'em up to boot. Fun, as long as they don't fire back(!).

  9. DOS, Blue was not allowed a bite of the cheeseburger. I told him, "You are just a dog and lower on the 'metaphysical totem pole, than I, the Master. So this belongs to me, not to you." He wasn't convinced.

  10. NFO, it was! About time I got out to that little range. You'd like it, tranquil.
