Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Memorial Day Retrospective


Forgive this late post, it wasn't from any lack of respect, but I hope you had a blessed Memorial Day. It's right to celebrate with friends and family and at the same time to honor the fallen, see LL's excellent post. May they rest in peace and the wicked be held to account.

That said, we had fun in Dallas, even though the skies opened and it poured with rain. Of course it's sunny now, despite burgeoning inflation. Such is climate change and our Old Enemy, the Weather.

Some don't see Memorial Day like this. They regard it as a moment of white, patriarchal colonialist expansion and want to ban it, just as they'd ban gender itself.

Regardless, I hope you had a blessed Memorial Day and paused, as I know you did, to remember all who gave their lives.

God bless,



  1. As I was struggling to cut out some dead junipers in the backyard, I thought of my Dad driving a bulldozer or tractor or truck on some God forsaken coral atoll clearing out palm trees to build runways and facilities......

  2. We had a beautiful sung Mass for the feast of St. Joan of Arc (transferred) in the morning. I tried to share the closing hymn to St.Joan, but Facecrap is not cooperating.

    God bless you, LSP

  3. I was out with the Legion post conducting services at three local cemeteries. Attendance was good in spite of the rain. Interestingly the rain stopped minutes before we started at the first then started back up again minutes after the last. Someone was looking out for us.

  4. Something I posted on social media.

    May I make a small point about today? Not all veterans died on the battlefield. They lived with their injuries, sometimes for years, but it was those injuries that lead to their deaths.

  5. Respect to your dad, drjim.

  6. God bless you too, Adrienne! And good to hear about the sung Mass. She's an interesting saint, imo. (the English come out of it badly...)

  7. Jim, that's good to hear.

    God bless.

  8. Excellent point, WSF, and there's several here in the Missions, mostly Vietnam. It's not easy for them.
