Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Free Falling!


Free falling or what? And then there's this. 

So very awesome.

Your Pal,



  1. I pray to Our Lord they don't, but I'm afeered that things may get very ugly this summer...say around August?

  2. That "ride of the Valkyries" was pretty violent!! My assumption is that it was during the Vietnam War? I didn't feel very good about it, since our (American) firepower was so overwhelming!! I am SO glad that the whole thing is now in our past!

  3. Sure, I wanna fight communism, but how?

  4. Hot lead and cold steel, LSP. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.

    When you mention, "free falling" I think of those moments before the canopy deploys when I'm wondering whether or not I packed the chute correctly.

    So the acting sergeant is returning to Ft. Hood. It will be good to have him close again.

  5. To the dear lady, war is just that, maám, ugly, dirty and violent, Not High Tea on a pleasant spring day. It is a business for Men, for Soldiers, who are a particular breed of men. We carry our wars with us, to the grave. Ugly but necessary, for you to breathe free and sleep in peace. They gave their lives for your freedom, literally.
    Their duty. Your duty is to keep and preserve your liberty, by actively ensuring the politicians do not betray the country, and you, to the enemy.

    One thing we know absolutely, proven by history. Communists do not quit, do not go away
    and never give up. They are vampires who must be staked to prevent them rising again.
    Even so, new broods are born and the process is never ending. You may not like Soldiers
    and war, but both are necessary, as your firemen and policemen are necessary. The enemy
    will use the gun, someone standing for you, must also use the gun. It is what it is.

  6. "On June 7, the DOJ released model state gun confiscation order legislation - sometimes referred to as “extreme risk protection order,” “gun violence restraining order,” or “red flag” legislation. Regardless of the marketing, such laws empower the government to extinguish a person’s Second Amendment rights and confiscate their firearms without due process. Those subject to these orders are stripped of their rights without being convicted of any crime. By releasing this model language, the Biden administration has endorsed these unconstitutional measures."




    Vee vill need a bigga choppa.

  7. Is the internet a tool for fighting the new world order? Do the "elites" allow it to exist so we mavericks can vent? They fear samizdats more? Clearly, they want to keep armed uprisings from occurring, ala Cliven Bundy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundy_standoff

  8. Not funny in the context of Argentina 1976-1983

  9. Americans see war as boxes. The World War I box was Prussian militarism. Defeated. The European aspect of World War II was Nazi aggression and murder. Defeated. The Asian aspect of the same period was Japanese expansion and murder. Defeated. Those boxes were closed and tossed into the closet of history. Communism is not the same. Communism goes on and on and on. Its adherents in the late 19th century taught a generation of the early 20th. Those taught another generation, and those another generation. Communism uses nationalism when necessary, but is not nationalistic in the same way as Prussianism, Nazism or Japanese bushido. The appeal is across all lines – economic, racial, ethnic, nation. Communism is more emotional than factual. Like Satanism, it can be pushed back, but the question of its defeat is debatable.

  10. Sgt Bob is right. I doubt that we will ever be able to actually 'defeat' it...

  11. "Charlie don't surf!" (an alternative sound track).


    If you didn't go, you wouldn't know.

    Irish Driscoll (Randy Cunningham's back-seater when they shot down all them MiG's) once interviewed a WW-One Ace. Do you ever have nightmares? Yes, said the Ace. When was the last one? Last night.

  12. Let's hope that doesn't happen, drjim.

  13. Joy, I almost didn't post it. There's a few people who read this mind blog that fought in the thing. But I love the opening scene!

  14. Now that, Kid, is a very good point.

  15. He's done well over the last year and a half, LL. Imagine that, no real leave in that time. Thanks, Oligarchs. Maybe they'll turn in aghast wonder when the Army doesn't obey them.

  16. Well said, 4branch. I can't add to that.

  17. Now that, Anon, to the tune of 30+k is a good point.

  18. Sgt., have you noticed we've not been winning any wars lately? And we're always fighting. Hmmmmm.
