Friday, June 4, 2021

Sham Boleyn


Anne Boleyn was Henry VIII's second wife and reigned for three years, 1533-36, before the syphilitic tyrant had her head chopped off with an axe a sword. She was, notoriously, a Person of Color (POC), just see the turgid, boring, lying, agitprop, low ratings BBC show. Fellow art philosopher and blogger, Jules, had this to say:

I'll leave it at that.




  1. Just for the record, Anne Boleyn was beheaded by a sword, wielded by a French executioner who had been imported , before the trial (!).

  2. Mixed feelings. The actress was doing what actresses do, working. As to the rest, way above my peasant head.

  3. BLM says cultural appropriation is racism.

  4. Having NOT lived in that time frame and with no AP photos of Ms. Boleyn to guide me, I'll assume that the actress "of color" was just doing her job. Besides, many GREAT opera sopranos "of color" have often taken on roles that were originally assumed to be those of Caucasian women (and the same for GREAT opera tenors & baritones!). The main thing in opera is, of course, THE VOICE!! Melotonin levels are often just discounted....

  5. BadFrog, thanks for that, I've updated the post. And yes, executioners swords were a thing. I know this, bizarrely. Hmmmm.

  6. WSF, the rest? Just Alf Garnett :) And hey, I'm sensing a groundswell of goodwill for the actress. Maybe this is a good thing.

  7. That they do, Sgt. Maybe they need to calm tf down.

  8. Joy, we don't have photos but we do have paintings, many of them. There must have been something compelling about Boleyn, imo, beyond her rank. But what do I know.

    I love your opera comparison and stand rebuked.

    What's wrong with her doing her job, per WSF? Nothing. So calm down, outrage merchant. Still, imagine a POC hero, say Mandela, being played by a white person. Just picture the incendiary fury.

  9. Well if Hamilton and Jefferson can be POCs why not everyone? Soon everyone will be POC and the non-POCs will become rumor.

    I remember seeing some really bad TV show a few years ago about the apostles and John was, get this, black. Um. Yeah.

  10. But Infidel, perhaps you're off target on this one. Name a single person, just one, of historical significance who wasn't black. I dare you.
