Saturday, June 12, 2021

A World Of Clowns Crooks And Mountebanks


Clowns & Crooks

There they are at the G7, the most powerful politicians of the world, clowning it up  for the cameras with "arm-bumps," only to hug and back slap off stage. What a venal crew of mountebanks, to say nothing of the agitprop arm of the State, corporate media, which laps it up.

Is anyone fooled? Yes indeed they are, note the Left, which is now firmly on the side of Big Pharma, Big State, and big loss of freedom. Wear your mask! Our sponsors demand it! Speaking of which, surely it's time for BLM/ANTIFA to put corporate logos on their riot gear, like Nascar but radical revolutionary with it. 


You can imagine the gushing reportage, "Today's peaceful protest burned down Baltimore's Inner Harbor in an act of solidarity with oppressed transsexual people of color everywhere, brought to you by Bank of America and Pfizer." Pan out to eatery on fire and a rainbow flag waving gaily in the victorious dollar-driven winds of profit.

Maybe the Enemy will die Laughing

But not to worry, our military's finally being repurposed to face the greatest threat facing America. Not China, Russia, Islamic terrorists, space aliens (what? stay tuned...), inflation, poverty, ballooning crime, stagnant wages, a pathetic standard of education, 5th Column nihilist revolutionaries, the breakdown of the family, and a government run by corrupt, multi-millionaire, self-serving, stooge oligarchs of the NWO. Is that the threat? No, that's it is not, it's climate change and a lack of "diversity."

Well Done Nottingham

What utter, shameless, errant,  bought-and-paid-for malfeasance. Still, in the midst of this florescence of chicanery, Nottingham appears to have got it right. Thanks, Jules, for the uplift.




  1. G7. What a truly "Let the eat cake" moment. And what a worthy rant. My compliments. I seriously doubt I could have done that without at least one F-bomb.

    As you say, it's all a larf until the day you discover that most of the guns and ammo, and all of the food is out there in fly-over country.

    Rant on.

  2. Thanks, RHT. What a crew of clowns.

  3. To put it mildly, Kid. Elbow bumping buffoons...

  4. What's not to celebrate? Trump is out of office and their venal lives are rolling merrily along.

  5. "There ain't no party like the dictator party 'cause the dictator party don't stop." Kevin O'Brian, ex-SF and once owner/operator of the Weaponsman blog, now archived at the Loose Rounds blog, before his sad and untimely demise, may he rest in peace.

  6. There are a lot of Americans who swallow these lies whole, LSP. I can't imagine how anyone could be that stupid, but they are. Indeed they are.

  7. Ye gods and little fishes. The lunacy continues.

    "Leaders of the Western military alliance are set on Monday to agree on a climate action plan to make their armed forces carbon-neutral by 2050, and to adapt to threats posed by global warming."

    I can see it now. A BOLO for me put out by the envirostasi. My crime? The contraband stashed in my garage. 200+ pounds of used tire weights that I use to cast LEAD bullets for my Model 1873 Trapdoor Springfield 45-70.

    Meanwhile, the Chicoms kick back, put their feet on the desk, and smile.

  8. Read and weep. It is not to be laughed at.
    They are the pawns of the prince of power of the air.
    And they must be dethroned.
    Perhaps mockery can lower their control.
    But they must be cut down as weeds and thrust into the fire.

  9. If the environment was really so important, why didn't they meet on Zoom?

  10. The best thing about the G7 is watching the corrupt European leaders pretending they think Biden is on top of things. Well, he ain't orange man bad so I guess Europe will love him.

  11. Aren't they just, WSF. Arm-bumps, backslaps and Dom Perrignon all 'round. What a clownshow.

  12. Wise words, WWW, and timely.

  13. Ain't that the truth, LL. The mind boggles. Enjoyed your sermon, btw.

  14. Just utterly insane, RHT. And traitorous.

  15. Cut down? That will inevitably happen, Ed. Maybe sooner than later.

  16. On the money... dammit... Sorry for the cursing.
