Saturday, May 29, 2021



Via Infowars:

A publicly available FDA “fact sheet” document reveals that 86% of children who participated in a Pfizer covid vaccine trial reported adverse reactions ranging from “mild” to “serious.”

As part of the vaccine experiments, children aged 12 to 15 are being injected with mRNA sequences that take control of their cells, causing them to churn our spike proteins in their blood. Spike proteins cause vascular disease and blood clots. Even the Jonas Salk Institute conclusively identifies spike proteins as the culprit behind vascular disease and blood clots.


Like, wow. 

You know, right, that the State loves you and would never force you to be injected with experimental drugs for its own demonic power and seats on the private jet. And as an aside, do you remember when the Left used to be against Big Pharma and the  overweening power of unleashed corporate greed? Funny how that worked out.

Wear your masks, serfs,



  1. Old NFO is right. This isn't the beginning the end, it's only the end of the beginning.

    Take the shot for the team, Old NFO. Maybe the government will give you free cheese or something to make it all good.

    And wear your mask forever to show that you're the right sort of slave.

  2. Hope is in the Heartland. Recently in a McCook, NE Tractor Supply store, the young employees were wearing masks (sort of). When asked, they said management said innoculations or masks and they damn well refused to be innoculated. Warmed my heart, it did, and I extended to them my heartfelt compliment.

  3. My office is finally bringing everyone back after working remotely for over a year. But there is a catch: One must provide proof of vaccination before being admitted to the office. I'm tempted to keep my vaccination card up my butt and if they want to see it.....well.........

  4. NFO, we're living in wicked times and then some.

  5. Yes, LL, we must wear our masks of submission to the New World Order of the Rainbow. And come on, kids, take a hit for the team.

  6. Well that cheered me up, WSF. Well done, kids.

  7. Good luck, Infidel, and I mean that.
