Thursday, May 20, 2021

I Saw The Queen Today


I'd no sooner recovered from the complexity of the power of words, than I strolled over to the Pick 'n Steal for a hot cup of coffee, and there she was. Queen Elizabeth the Second, right there in the car park of 1st Baptist. Like, what?!? But yes, there she was. Let's zoom in to prove it.

As a loyal son of the crown and Space Monarchist, the whole encounter brought luster to the day. Behold, Emp. Ind. (we still have that? Ed.), Fid. Def. giving a royal wave to her loyal Texans. Great result, and imagine its alternative, the face of creepy Joe or cackling Harris leering at you from behind tinted windows.

But seriously, is there a better head of state, even as figurehead? What comes next is another matter entirely.




  1. I have little use for royalty, being a descendent of Irish brigands, but her, and her late husband, I've always admired. Going back to WWII, both of them walked the walk and remained authentic people all their lives.

  2. The crown prince that QE helped sire, who will take her place, will not have the same legacy that she did.

  3. Her interaction with Billy Graham impresses me.
    Her firing a full auto assault rifle without hearing protection is awesome.

  4. I saw the Queen today, Oh boy
    Four thousand holes bullet holes on the rifle range
    Although the holes were made by a lady so small
    She must have sprayed them all
    Now I know how many holes it takes to riddle the Albert Hall...

  5. That was definitely an uplifting moment, Parson. :)

  6. Linda, just trying to help :)

  7. Nice one, pewster! Must get some shooting in soon, outta practice...

  8. LL, I'm not a gambling man but I'd lay good odds on you being right.

  9. They sure did, WSF. At least that's the way I see it.
