Thursday, May 27, 2021

Gwen Stefani Is Legend


Here at the Compound we've long suspected that superstar pop genius Gwen Stefani is awesome, and now she's proved it by refusing to bow to pathetic Maoist wokeism. Stefani, who is attractive and talented, has been accused of "cultural appropriation" because Japanese girls feature in her toe-tapping pop videos. 

This, according to tyrannous cultural Marxists, is racist. But Stefani disagrees with the commies and their idiotic, puritanical, leftist rules:

“If we didn’t buy and sell and trade our cultures in, we wouldn’t have so much beauty, you know? We learn from each other, we share from each other, we grow from each other. And all these rules are just dividing us more and more.”

So true, all these weird "rules." Let's have less of them, a lot less of them. The engaging singer continued:

“I think that we grew up in a time where we didn’t have so many rules. We didn’t have to follow a narrative that was being edited for us through social media, we just had so much more freedom.”

Well said, Popstar Gwen. We were a lot more free until the totalitarian Marxist thought police started imposing their nonsensical, killjoy, life-denying, self-serving, totalitarian, hypocritical, anti-human obedience protocols on the general populace.

By the way, do not mistake Gwen Stefani for Gwen Paltrow. They're very different.

Your Pal,



  1. Don't know her but I'll applaud anyone who tells puke stains to go find some dog doo to sit on.

  2. Good for Gwen (the good Gwen, not the Bad Gwen (Paltrow)).

  3. Stefani's music ain't my thing. Doesn't make it bad, is just ain't my thing is all. But I do like the way she thinks, about this much, anyway.

    Paltrow, on the other Just no.

  4. My response to anyone telling me who, what, where. "Who gave you dominion over me? Go f**k yurself".

  5. Mr. WSF, I'm right with you on that. Like, "Who died and made you God?" Sick of all these tinpot Maos running around.

  6. WWW, I don't like it much either, for the most part, but she has her moments. And, apparently, isn't part of Cultural Revolution 2.0. Huh.

    As for the other Gwen... no.

  7. Exactly, Infidel. Good for Gwen. Maybe I'll give her a boost on the next jukebox. Just coz.

  8. I have the same POV, Kid. Put those two bit puritans back in their turgid box. Then make them listen to Gwen and Moby's (yuck) Southside on continuous loop :)
