Thursday, May 13, 2021



Look, cryptically named 'LSP,' you can't hit people with an evil gang music sonic attack on the Feast of the Ascension, even if it does make for an interesting musical parable of civil war and associated wickedness. 

Thus spoke the voice of reason over morning coffee on the back porch and I hit delete, such is the miracle of technology. Then the kid called in from Camp Humphreys in Korea, where he's getting ready to leave for Fort Hood in a month or so.

Part of the "out processing" involved a J&J Covid shot on Sunday, which caused such an allergic reaction that he ended up in hospital. He's recovered, thank God, and it's more than tempting to go on a rant about the evil chicanery that's overtaken us in the name of health and safety. But I won't, here's a prayer for the day instead:

GRANT, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that like as we do believe thy only-begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ to have ascended into the heavens; so we may also in heart and mind thither ascend, and with him continually dwell, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.


God bless,



  1. Glad the boy is recovering. Best guess is he'd already had the WuFlu... sigh

  2. Glad he is ok. Lots of collateral damage to our service members over the years from inoculations.

  3. Best thoughts for your son.

    Not wild about Rap, but the La Raza was a pretty decent tune. The sax certianly didn't hurt.


  4. That J+J is a bad one. We have enough of the Moderna and Pfizer to go around plus they are more effective. I guess the military is wanting the one dose advantage, but when vaccinating a low risk population, one should use the least toxic vaccine. Governmental decisions are so FUBAR.

  5. I was kinda worried, NFO. He was pretty sick.

  6. Exactly, WSF. This craziness is off the hook bizarre, and I'd say evil.

  7. Thanks, Kid.

    And I don't like rap either, tbh. But right, Raza wasn't bad.

  8. Pewster, you can imagine thousands and thousands of soldiers put out of action or worse. And all for what? So our overlords can get even moar power and cash than they already have.

    My son thinks J&J was used because it's the cheapest vax out there. Maybe so.

  9. First of all, God bless and keep your son in good health! And a pox on the military for subjecting personnel in their charge to this poison! Anyway, thank the Good Lord that he is now on the mend!

    And what a difference a day makes!! Such a POSITIVE post, full of hope and good thoughts (even when castigating our masters of the Deep State!) - and none of that DREADFUL noise ("rap?" "music?") that you subjected us to yesterday! Thank you!! Joy DB

  10. I guess the military can't refuse the jab?

  11. Joy, I read your rebuke(!) on the deleted post and thought "you know, it's just not fair to subject everyone to that kind of noise on the Feast of the Ascension AND in the morning, to boot." So I got rid of it, in a rare stroke of wisdom.

    And thanks for your prayers for the boy. It turns out that he's been in the ER all week with this thing but says he's better, thank God. What an utter nightmare. But I won't go on, though I could.

  12. They can, Julie, though it's becoming harder, and the kid wants to visit Canada when he's on leave in July/August. So he got it and got REALLY sick.

    I'm so disgusted with the whole thing. Words fail.

  13. Et cum spirtu tuo, Linda .
