Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Midweek Message

Jesus said to his disciples, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments." (John 14:15) St. Clement of Rome expounds:

He who has love in Christ must observe the commandments of Christ. The binding power of the love of God - who is able to set it forth? The radiance of His beauty - who can voice it to satisfaction? The sublimity to which love leads up is unutterable. Love unites us with God, love covers a multitude of sins; love endures everything, is long-suffering to the last; there is nothing vulgar, nothing conceited, in love; love creates no schism; love does not quarrel; love preserves perfect harmony. In love all the elect of God reached perfection, apart from love nothing is pleasing to God. In love the Master took us to Himself. Because of the love which He felt for us, Jesus Christ Our Lord gave His Blood for us by the will of God, His Body for our bodies, and His soul for our souls. St. Clement of Rome, Epistle to the Corinthians

And from the 19th century Russian saint, John of Kronstadt:

In order not to be in daily bondage to the passions and the devil, you must set yourself an object to aim at, have this object constantly in view, and endeavor to attain it, conquering all obstacles by the name of the Lord. What is this object? The Kingdom of God, the Divine palace of glory, prepared for believers from the creation of the world. But as this object can only be attained by certain means, it also is necessary to have such means at one's disposal. And what are these means? Faith, hope, and love, especially the last. Believe, hope, and love, especially love, disregarding all obstacles; love God above everything and your neighbor as yourself. If you have not sufficient strength to preserve in your heart these inestimable treasures, fall down more often at the feet of the God of Love. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you," for He Who has promised is true. Walking, sitting, lying down, conversing, or working, at every time, pray with your whole heart that faith and love may be given to you. You have not yet asked for them as you should ask - fervently and instantly - with the firm purpose of obtaining them. Say now, "I will begin to do so henceforth. St. John of Kronstadt - My Life in Christ

Walking, sitting, lying down, conversing, or working, at every time, pray with your whole heart that faith and love may be given to you. 

Therein lies glory,



  1. That's a powerful and worthy message.

  2. Indeed, regardless of one's specific faith.

  3. Needed this today, an excellent reminder to keep in the forefront due to often lapsing into "those scumbags!" when injustice is unfolding right in front of me/us. Thank you. (see LL's where I did a semi-table flipping vent when witnessing intentional destruction of all I hold dear.)

  4. Interesting take, I'd never heard of the Russian saint. Thanks!

  5. LL, I was both struck and convicted.

  6. Surely it's at the heart of the Law, N.

  7. Glad to oblige, Paul! I found John of Kronstadt's word remarkably compelling. And I'll check out LL's place -- of course righteous anger has its place...

  8. NFO, he's pretty new to me too. And very compelling.
