Sunday, April 18, 2021

Cooking With LSP


Cooking with LSP? That's not only stupid, it's dangerous, and what's that, a vegetable? Yes readers, a vegetable, asparagus, and here's how you do it. Wrap those green beasts in bacon.

It's not hard. Trim the warlike spears, toss in olive oil and black pepper and then wrap 'em up, three or four spears to a bundle. A bit like Fasces but without the axe. Then sit back and behold your handiwork, all this asparagus wrapped in bacon.

Level unlocked, put the enhanced veg in the oven at 400* for twenty minutes or so while, inspired by LL's sermon, you research Texas' illusive black cat, the Jaguarundi. 

These long tailed wild cats weigh in at around 20 pounds and are mistaken for Jaguars, which may or may not exist in the Lone Star State. They've been sighted here in Hill County, but not by me.

Better have a pistol handy in case the veg attacks!

Important research over, take the bacon wrapped green aggressors out of the oven. Serve with steak. I chose a Rib Eye, you may prefer a different cut, like a New York Strip. Hey, your call, no rule.

Then fall upon your scoff.

Like a warrior,



  1. Looks good. Good lookin cat too.

    We roll asparagus in olive oil and finely diced garlic then onto the grill until partially blackened. Off the grill then I add a little lemon juice and melted butter.
    Pretty good.

  2. LSP - the larger spears need to be peeled. Just a super light "run the peeler lightly down the sides" type of peeling (from flower to base.) No aggression! It removes any chance of toughness. I didn't learn that little piece of info until I worked at a grocery store and the produce guy, who was a genius about all things produce, told me about doing that. I know it's an added step, but so worth it.

    And, if in a hurry, he told me about wrapping the spears in wet paper towels and giving them about 2 - 3 minutes in the microwave. Works! But, nothing is as good as bacon wrapped.

  3. Lived out by Bastrop on acreage and middle of night heard the turkeys raising a ruckus. Neighbor a ways back and I got there in time to see a small dark "cat" darting into the trees. He said it was a Texas jaguar. Cat killed six and three died within hours and the two left graced our tables a couple of months later.

  4. I had never heard of the jaguarundi. Another education mark for LSP and another reminder to self as to why I read only sites likely to tell me new things. Thanks.

  5. I simply cannot eat asparagus. I kept hearing "OH! You haven't tried it this way...", so I politely tried some, and......nope just can't eat the stuff.

    You can have my ration of it, Parson.

  6. I don't care for the urinary after effects of asparagus, but the bacon may make it worth the later odor.

  7. Try it out, WSF, and I think you'll like it. And I should have said -- pour out the water from the pan about half way through. Or put the beasts on a grid. Whatev. Tasty.

  8. That sounds delicious, Kid. Yum.

  9. Adrienne, great tip and I'll take it!

  10. Maybe a Jaguarundi, Anon. I haven't seen one, though I'd like to. Our main predator's coyote, obvs, and no wonder, we've taken out their natural predator, the wolf. I like hunkering down in the half-light and hearing the pack(s) howl up. Eerie.

  11. Thanks you, Sgt. Interesting cats, eh?

  12. drjim, each to his own. No rule :)

  13. Pewster, BACON is key to pretty much everything.
