Monday, March 22, 2021

Systemic Rural Racism


One of the many problems country people face is racism, systemic racism, that ingrained, institutional, just the way things are racism which so afflicts entities of color in America's rural landscape. 

Parks, gardens, sky, fields, starlit night sky? All crushingly racist along with their iniquitous purveyors. That's the theory, and I drove out to Uncle Gus' Marina to test it out.

Sure enough, there was a banner of good ole Nazi "Uncle Gus" welcoming visitors and guests. And guess what? Uncle so-called "Gus" was white and holding a captive Bass of Color (BOC). Here, let's zoom in.

Unsurprised but still shocked, I drove carefully down to the apartheid marina and guiltily cast my line in the waters of the oppressed deep. No luck, anarcho-marxist cardres had trained these fish to avoid the hooks, lures and bait (worms) of their white colonialist oppressors.

Huh. I gave up the fight, vowing to return, "Watch out, you piscine Reds, I'll be back, with a vengeance," and headed over to the dam spillway.

Where it was raining, this being Biden's America, but undaunted, line out. No luck. Rinse, repeat at various angles. And then? That chomp, tug that every angler loves to feel. Pull up! Hookset! and there it is, a fish at the end of your line, diving, thrashing and doing its Bolshevikk best to escape, but it doesn't. 

You reel zhir in, get the photo op, and release the unrepentant Menshivik back into the depths. Well done, fish, you live again to fight another day. Then, because the climate changed owing to Texas not paying enough tax, it started to rain and I headed for home. And now? Curry, Thai Texan style.

OK, a good morning out in the good clean air of Texas, well done. But back to the point. Was the countryside's endemic racism made better or worse by this piscatorial endeavor?

As always, you be the judge,



  1. Once again, not racism. Specie-ism perhaps, but if you had made a fish taco out of that scrawny guy...yes, who know what that would have been.

  2. Shocking admission! Your feelings of abject guilt are clearly written. Repent!
    Clearly, what is required is for your to continue this behavior until your racism is eradicated, even if it takes many years.

  3. Systemic Rural Racism. Well then--

    Remote Brutality, the Rorke's Drift Edition
    (aka "This Mamushka is for LSP)--

  4. Pewster, you have a point. And a good one.

  5. Mr. WSF, I shall report myself. IMMEDIATELY.

  6. RHT, you're a very bad influence. Now I want a Martini Henry.

    And the infovid ended with maths, which is desperately racist.


  7. "RHT, you're a very bad influence."

    Thank you. I have put many long hours into developing these skills. As you have heard me say, "Sir, I plead guilty to all charges and specifications. Expect no apology".

    "Now I want a Martini Henry.".

    So did I at one time, but then I looked in to .577/450 ammo to feed one. Right. Be prepared to roll your own. And that was back in the late 90's. Now?--

    Oh well, could be worse. I could have gotten wrapped up with a Rolling Block in .43 Spanish. Oh, wait....

  8. Heh, RHT, just laughed...

    But hey, sure was neat to nail that plate at 200 yrds with your trap. Nice. Highlight of the day for me, though all was good.
