Friday, February 12, 2021

Texas Goes Ice Age


It's not easy living in North Central Texas. Why? Because it's now an ice sheet with more to come. Look, here's the weather report:

National Weather Service Fort Worth TX
freezing drizzle developing late tonight into Saturday morning,
Impacts will begin as early as Saturday morning with patchy
brief break in precipitation on Saturday, conditions will begin
which will lead to a light glaze of ice in some locations. After a to deteriorate late Saturday evening, with precipitation
Sunday. The heaviest snow can be expected on Sunday and Monday.
transitioning from a sleet and freezing rain mix to all snow by High winds will lead to blowing and drifting snow with wind chills
duration of extremely cold temperatures will likely lead to major
falling to below zero by late Sunday. Snow will come to an end during the day Monday, but extremely cold temperatures will persist through mid-week. The heavy snow and forecast long
for several days... stress on the region`s infrastructure as well as crippling travel

Impact and cripple. Yes, that's what our Old Enemy does unless you pay the Tax. Come on now, all those seaside mansions in Martha's Vineyard don't come cheap, and let's face it, Climate Czar Kerry's private jet isn't cheap either. So pay up, serfs, while you buy your made in China masks to make our overlords even richer than they already are. In fact, wear two, because China's giving 'em away for free.

Lake Whitney

And while you're at it, get two shots of the vaccine because Pfizer obviously doesn't want to double its profits. Because it's a charity, just like the government which is here to help themselves grow richer.

In the meanwhile, a new Ice Age descends upon the Republic of Texas. We'll see what remains of this once prosperous farming community when the ice melts. If it ever does.

Your Old Friend,



  1. Be careful if you have to drive in it, Parson!

  2. I see you have 20 degrees. I'd take that in a heartbeat right now.

  3. I was born and raised in New England. I remember one winter when I worked in Florida. We got a "cold snap", 40's. I came to work in shorts. :D

  4. Drive very, very slowly and stay away from the freeways if you can.

    God bless.

    P.S. No fishing on Lake Whitney this week.

  5. SOOooooo, what exactly is "Extremely Cold Temperatures" for the Dallas area ?

    I remember Pittsburgh in the 1970's. Too often - double digits with wind chill. Snow driving was a blast though I do give proper respect to the ice queen.

  6. Talked to one of my work buddies in Brenham yesterday, who clued me into the forecast for single digits and lots of snow. My first thought was, plumbers down there are gonna get rich thawing out frozen pipes and fixing broken ones, because plumbing there just isn't designed for those kinda temperatures.

    He said the last time it was that bad was in the early 80's, when he was like 8 years old and was supposed to go on his first hunting trip with his father and older brothers, but they left him at home because of the forecast and he was bitterly disappointed even after hearing how miserable the trip turned out for them. I remembered that snow storm vividly because I was living in Bryan at the time and the show must go on in the oil field regardless of weather, and it did.

  7. LOL, it's supposed to be gone by...Thursday/Friday... supposed to be...

  8. Another reason I no longer live in Texas.....hahahhahaha
    Just joking.

    The weather here in Iowa still makes that weather in Texas look normal for us.

    I do remember too many years of people wearing parkas and gloves and more when the temp got to 45 or so in Houston area.

    Go to bed with a/c on, wake up and have to switch to heat.
    Those were the days.


  9. Is that truly a current pic of Lake Whitney?

  10. I will, Jim! Ice is treacherous...

  11. Jim, I know, we're not really set up for small amounts of ice and snow here. -50 with windchill in Calgary the other day. Brrr.

  12. N, it's true, we have it lucky in Texas. Of course everything grinds to a halt when it gets below freezing...

  13. I've never been ice fishing, Adrienne. Hmmmm.

  14. Kid, anything below 60* counts as dangerously cold here. And ice?!? Utter catastrophe.

  15. That sounds like cold work, WWW, and hunting in the snow doesn't appeal, though it would've done, once. A friend went out on a mountainous elk(?)/mule deer hunt a month or so ago and sent back some pretty chilling photos. I don't think he was too happy...

    Here at the compound the heat's on and the taps dripping.

  16. NFO, if Kamela becomes our ruler this may NEVER END. Look what the witch did to Narnia.

  17. Joe, 45's mighty cold for Houston. And you'd laugh -- whalking the dog this morning involved a fleece, down vest and Carhartt(!).

  18. The camera doesn't lie, greendiver. Look closely and you can see the dam in the background, Soldiers Bluffs on the right, obvs. It's a harsh new reality.

  19. Meanwhile, we're expecting another dumping of "global warming" sometime this week.

    We run on well water, and the water table was VERY low this past summer. I was a fanatic about shower times, let the water run into a watering can while warming up to do dishes, collected rainwater for watering my plants (I hope my fig trees survived!).

  20. I have a friend in Calgary and he had been lording it over me because it was warmer up there than down here. Not any more.

  21. Good luck, N. Pretty fierce out there...

  22. Jim, I know! I have family there...
